If you close the lid while the machine is booting and use an external keyboard and mouse, it should switch to clamshell mode and direct everything to the external monitor. I've found that I can open the lid after it's booted and use the internal keyboard without it kicking out of clamshell mode, so theoretically an external mouse should be sufficient. However, I don't know if that also works in the OS X installer.
Considering that I've successfully set up SL on the other MB, I could just spare myself having to struggle with the LCD and clone that installation using Super Duper or Carbon Copy Cloner via FireWire TDM and go straight to the clamshell model. Thanks for the tip.
Is the exact part I'll need to replace the inverter? The backlight has been mention as well - are they one and the same?
Well, a mission statement only gets you so far. With x86_64 hardware having been introduced in 2003 and having become mainstream a couple of years later, I can sort of understand the decision even though it's a bit of a shame. It's also slightly ironical that the Linux kernel no longer supports the CPU it was born on.
Keep in mind the CPU underclocks to 1 GHz if the battery is dead or missing, so don't expect mindblowing performance.
Noted, I've got a couple of spares that I can swap over as a stop gap for the meantime: the BlackBook's battery still appears to hold a full charge.
Given that it's swollen, I'd dispose of it ASAP since it can be a fire hazard.
Will do and thanks.