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Yeah, this is pretty aggravating.

I bought it yesterday, after upgrading to 2.2.1 because everyone had said that it was still working. Tried to use it, doesn't work.. Developers say the next version is coming soon, then make it free? I paid the .99 for something that doesn't work, that's crazy.

I upgraded. Still works for me...
If its there, then people can enable emoji.

I don't know if this is exactly true (since we have been seeing many conflicting posts about this), but once someone has updated to 2.2.1, they are further blocked from enabling Emoji. Therefore, if you have already updated to 2.2.1, it doesn't matter if the app is there or not - you're screwed. However, if you already enabled your Emoji before updating - you're fine.
I just found out about FrostyPlace, after I've already upgraded the iPhone to 2.2.1, can I downgrade to 2.2 to install FrostyPlace and then reupgrade to 2.2.1?
I just found out about FrostyPlace, after I've already upgraded the iPhone to 2.2.1, can I downgrade to 2.2 to install FrostyPlace and then reupgrade to 2.2.1?

Just wait for the Frostyplace update. It's been submitted to Apple.
I'm guessing for the new version the emoji part is disabled.

I wonder how much money they made from this app based on this, and whethr it was intended or not...
makes no sense to me why apple wouldn't allow emoji in the us
I am glad however I got it before it was pulled

Probably because they were designed by Softbank for the Japanese market. If ATT made some special software for the American market, would you demand Apple release it to the rest of the world for free?

On a separate note... it's pronounced "eh-moh-jee", not "e" as in e-mail. The "eh" part means picture in Japanese. Moji means character, so picture characters-- 絵文字.
If i send one of these pictures can other people see them if they dont have them? Prob a question asked a 1000 times.
Can someone confirm that if you upgrade to 2.2.1 first and then install, it will not work?
My biggest question is; are Emoji universal? That is, are these Apple's versions of Emoji or are these same Emoji found on other Japanese phones?
I unlocked the emojii icons on my 2.2.1 iPhone today using another app, Touch Dial Emoji. Worked straightaway. Costs a little more than Frostyplace (it was $3.99, rather than 0.99), but for anyone who's already on 2.2.1 and wants to get access to them now, rather than waiting for the Frostyplace update, this is an alternative that works. :rolleyes:
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