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macrumors 68020
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So many threads talking about all the terrible things with quality control, almost like half of the entire macrumors forum is posting about all their screens (myself included) are broken or have an issue, so... I'm curious instead of asking how many people have negative problems what about everyone else?

Is anyone's screen super perfect, (pretty much impossible to get "perfect"...)
or is your iPP simply what you paid for (ie; no discoloration, scratched display, etc.)

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So many threads talking about all the terrible things with quality control,
Not terribly surprising as people tend to come to forums to complain about an issue, or ask help resolving an issue. Tbh, I don't think its that bad. Mind you, I frequent the MacBook Pro forum and there's so many complaints about the new MBP, that might have set the high water mark in terms of negativity.

Anyways back on topic, I think overall, my 10.5 iPad is well built. I should probably spend the money on AC+ but overall I'm happy.
There are some threads that are strictly talking about the defects with the new iPads, but there's also a lot of positivity more than I have read through the negatives on the iPad forum about the new Pro's . I think one thing that you have to consider, is when you frequent a tech forum, you're going to find individuals that are going to talk about issues noted and share that amongst each other.

But I would say the consensus is fairly positive with the new iPad displays, at least from my experiences and readings.
My 12.9' iPP works as advertised.

Unfortunately, people tend to complain a lot here (I can be one of those people, but I try to get things fixed now and am confident if something goes wrong, Apple will fix. They always have for me). If there's a genuine defect (such as the yellow screens on the 10.5"), it helps to know that.

I generally skip most negative threads, and if I disagree with something posted, I strive to be polite about it now.
I have noticed zero problems with my iPad Pro 10.5.

My screen has no weird colours that I can discern, and whilst it's a massively expensive tablet, I am more than happy with it.

I'm happier with the Smart Keyboard than I expected. Lack of backlight doesn't bother me. I can touch type and the screen will illluminate things anyhow.

As with anything. Happy people don't generally post to forums to complain, so I'd take problem reports with a pinch of salt.

Not that people don't likely have genuine problems, more so that for every ten people with issues, there is likely 100,000 or 1,000,000 who don't.
Perfectly happy with my new 12.9. Everything from size to screen quality to performance is great!
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My iPad Pro 10.5 has the most even, balanced display of any Apple product I’ve ever owned. I really do feel like I hit the jackpot with this one. I bought two to choose the best one, but ended up sending the order back completely unopened. The display and fit/finish on the one I bought at the local Apple store is just too perfect. I’m sure I’ll have to swap my new iPhone 8 a few times unless lightning strikes twice in one year.
I can find no fault with my 12.9, even through various test images. Colored screens are all bright and uniform top to bottom, left to right. No yellowish banding (as mentioned in another thread) on white test screens. It looks big, bright and beautiful. Very pleased with it :)
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Proof is in the pudding. Like it, keep it. Don't like it or not worth the money, return it. There is not a perfect product/device, always some concessions.

Far more keepers than returns by a large margin I reckon so ....
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No complaints here. Mine has no flaws and works perfectly. I'm very happy with it. 10.5 Space Gray 64GB LTE.
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The only hesitation I would have is going from the first gen 12.9 pro to the second. Personally I do not see a big enough leap to spend the extra money. Any other scenario from prior iPads to the new Pros offer enough IMHO to upgrade. Unless one can get a steal/bargain from their prior iPad to a newer one without having to go with the latest Pros. Especially upgrading to the 9.7 Pro which has good discounts on their models.
I'm very happy with my 12.9". I have always been happy with all my ipads, never returned one. Dont look for issues when I take a new one out of the box, just start setting it up. I did have the rotation bug in my Air 2 and my iPP 9.7" started to freeze constantly after several weeks of use when new. My workaround was closing all the open apps. Then I asked on this Forum if others had this issue with their 9.7 ipp and was recommended to get an ad blocker. That solved it, still thought it was strange tho since the usage was the same as the Air 2 it replaced. Anyway, the 12.9" has come up with no new strange issues and I am loving its size, glad I made that choice.
Enjoying my 10.5. I've had a lot of iPads. Was marveling at the tech and design of a device this thin, that can do all it does, the quality of build, screen, battery life etc etc.
20, even 10 years ago, a device like this was impossible, and you know Sony would have done it if they could have.
It is a marvel...ahh, today we're kinda used to all the common tech advances we enjoy.
Not to say there isn't room for critique and issue reporting, but such an amazing device. Just sayin', it's goood..
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This is the standard flow to forums. Excitement leading up to launch and excitement on Day 1...followed by complaints and bad news in the first month or two that follow. It has nothing to do with the actual product. Rather, this is a by-product of how forum members flow in and out of here. There is nothing to worry about.
For about a month I thought I was going to need to take it in, because it wasn't charging to 100%, but it stopped doing that. Amazing piece of technology.
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