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Signing into iCloud doesn't always work. Try again some other time. I know, not the answer you want to hear.
That's what worked for me.

I have the same issue. Did you find any solution? I'm sick of not being able to sync with my calendar, iTunes etc.

Only thing that I see in my case, I can connect Apple services when I connect to hotspot of my iPhone. But when I try with WiFi, it's not working
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So, here's my mystery. I called Apple Support and we went through a bunch of testing. Discovered I can sign into my apple ID using either of my two other accounts, including one we set up called "New Test" this afternoon. I get in, no problem. But when I try to sign into anything OTHER than support ie iTunes, or App Store, I get "There is an error signing into the Apple Server."

No parental controls are on. There doesn't seem to be any issue regarding "Li'l Snitch" that lets me know when there is incoming/outgoing connections as this is cross platform and cross users.

So, any idea? I can actually LOG ON to another user, while the one that doesn't work is still logged in, and download, see purchases, see apps, etc.

It's got to be something really simple we are not seeing.
Any suggestions?

I have the exact same issue. Any update?
Hey, I have a strange problem but only in my company environment. I keep getting the same error message when connecting to the apple ID server (see screenshot).

This is very irritating since I can't connect to any service.

Questions would be is this a beta problem or something is blocked in my company environment? It worked before on Yosemite but they recently upgraded the network.

Any thoughts on this please?
I have just solved this mystery given the hours I have spent trying to contact Apple ID server for a iPhone restore. If your phone is running VPN or virtual private network this has to be turned off and contact will be
restored. Hope this helps
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