Well, today, a brand new real kettle was bought, because our older model decided that today was a very good day to finally expire - just when I was playing coffee host to a colleague who worked abroad with me and who had called by for some 'real' coffee, to be served some Ethiopian Yirgacheffe in a French Press with water heated
..in a saucepan.
Elsewhere, on Another Thread, copious advice has been tendered on the topic of kettles (which are very, very topical just now
.). Advice which was gratefully received and will be heeded. That is, advice on the topic of kettles with or without thermometers, (preferably with), but most certainly with an elegant neck vaguely reminiscent of that of a goose.
More pressing is the matter of the Chemex itself. For, there are two further outstanding questions to be addressed. The first concerns volume - how many cups a Chemex should hold. Online research reveals general agreement that the three cup model is too small for anything except for the sort of use that one (slightly greedy) person might make for him/herself.
Moreover, there is an equal consensus on the topic of excess volume, whereby a Chemex of ten to twelve cups is deemed unnecessarily large, unless one hosts lavish dinner parties on a scale which I don't.
That leaves the happy median, or happy medium. A Chemex of somewhere between five and eight cups, which most online sources felt was the correct size, one which would meet most requirements adequately. Advice welcome.
There is a further issue. This concerns the actual Chemex itself, and whether it is handblown or machine made. Now, Sweet Maria's rendered this debate null and void earlier today, for every single Chemex that they listed are currently out of stock. Intelligentsia, meanwhile, do stock the standard machine made version of the Chemex, complete with attractive wooden collar.
As some of you know, I am an historian by training, and the first impulse of a historian is to go right to source when faced with a rumour, conundrum, or problem. The source in question is the website of the Chemex company itself, and, needless to say, they stock all of their own products, both handblown or machine made.
So, my fellow denizens, of these two options, which Chemex would you suggest, or recommend that I contemplate purchasing? (That question is rhetorical; unlike back in the days when I was setting and grading history papers for students, - and trying to teach them the concept of the 'grey area' where an answer might be both right and wrong but with varying quantities of each, because life can be like that, in this instance, one answer will be definitely preferable over the other