I had been wanting to try this hack for some time, and seeing it again discussed on here led me to the Sweet Maria's forum. After a week or so of digesting the experience of others, other forums like Intructables, and finally various thrift shops and hardware stores I am now in the business of roasting.
I went the route of adding a flour sifter to a popcorn popper; this allows me to do ~185g batches (1 cup of green), which translates into 140g - 150g of roasted coffee (losses due primarily to moisture but some errant escaping beans). I've done 6 batches over the course of 3 days, with all but the first batch being highly drinkable. I've already gotten into a fairly standard procedure and can go from measure beans out initially to "finish packing" an 185g batch in 20 minutes. In 4 hours it is drinkable, but gets even better after an overnight rest.
Some pics of my progress: