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Yes, I have heard of the enthusiasm of Aeropress owners for their machines, too. But not for me, not just yet..

For now, I have a French Press, a Hario ceramic dripper, and a Bialetti moka pot. And that lot does me fine.

Someday, I will add a Chemex to that.

And, someday - of the sort of some other day - in the sort of future tense that is defined by the word 'indefinite', a La Marzocca is written in my future; whether that shall take the form of the legendary GS/3, or the more recently developed Linea Mini is, as yet, unknown.....

Aeropress vs. Press Pot: biggest difference is AP (usually) is used with a paper filter, so you get all of the changes you would expect from "extra" filtering of the oils and flavors. To some, that is good. To others, that is bad. (Using the ceramic disc instead of a paper filter reduces this impact.) To me, the AP makes every cup taste like your basic Colombian blend. That's not a bad thing, but putting an African through an AP....what's the point? And, I have never had my AP produce a cup -- any cup -- with what I thought was acceptable body. I like "chewy" coffee. The AP produces something akin to fat free milk. /shudder

To sum, AP wins for convenience, but nothing else. FP is much more forgiving on grind.

I love my Chemex....thicker filters and it's just fun to use. I would never use it with most Africans or even most Peruvian coffees. For Brazilians, central americans, even Jamaicans, yah, great choice.

A decent Press Pot, pre-heated, 56g of freshly and properly roasted and ground coffee, brewed for 3:30, then a slow 30 second push......oh yah, that's nirvana. I don't think you can beat it with anything other than a vac pot, which is a whole different universe.
most Americans drink crap.

As true as it is funny.

Oh, Shrink, your return has made my week! I so look forward to our first/next "discussion" about grinders.....

Sometimes, the universe is, indeed, kind.
Think I'll go to bed.

And you thought that I was a trifle over the top.o_O
Please accept my sincerest wishes that you are doing well.

Pssst, doing well. In remission. Still some treatments but, hey, what are you gonna do? I have beaten the projections by a mile. Several miles.

And I still drink a double ristretto nearly every morning. Roasted and ground by moi. In fact, after 30 years of looking and tinkering, I think I currently have the perfect setup. Dare I say it? With espresso, I think I am "done" looking. Drip? Well, the search goes on.

Life is good.
Pssst, doing well. In remission. Still some treatments but, hey, what are you gonna do? I have beaten the projections by a mile. Several miles.

And I still drink a double ristretto nearly every morning. Roasted and ground by moi. In fact, after 30 years of looking and tinkering, I think I currently have the perfect setup. Dare I say it? With espresso, I think I am "done" looking. Drip? Well, the search goes on.

Life is good.

What wonderful news!I couldn't be happier for you.

Oh, yeah...the health news is good, too.

So, @Kurwenal, and @Shrink, and @mobilehaathi - your expertise is required as your very presence is greeted with delighted and stunned surprise and no small welcome - what bloody well blends accommodatingly with an Ethiopian?

@Kurwenal, I won't say that I blame you, but I had never thought of even greeting and meeting an Ethiopian until I meant you here on these fora; I thought lightly roasted coffee was for....wimps. Well, this proud wimp advertises her love for Ethiopian coffee - preferably, Yirgacheffe, and you have played no small part in nudging my preferences in this direction....
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Pssst, doing well. In remission. Still some treatments but, hey, what are you gonna do? I have beaten the projections by a mile. Several miles.

And I still drink a double ristretto nearly every morning. Roasted and ground by moi. In fact, after 30 years of looking and tinkering, I think I currently have the perfect setup. Dare I say it? With espresso, I think I am "done" looking. Drip? Well, the search goes on.

Life is good.
That's fantastic news and I'm very happy to hear of your, once again, beating the odds!
So, @Kurwenal, and @Shrink, and @mobilehaathi - your expertise is required as your very presence is greeted with delighted and stunned surprise and no small welcome - what bloody well blends accommodatingly with an Ethiopian?

@Kurwenal, I won't say that I blame you, but I had never thought of even greeting and meeting an Ethiopian until I meant you here on these fora; I thought lightly roasted coffee was for....wimps. Well, this proud wimp advertise her love for Ethiopian coffee - preferably, Yirgacheffe, and you have played no small part in nudging mt preferences in this direction....

Sorry, I'm useless with issues of beans, and bean blending. Especially lighter roasted beans.

I'm sure that @Kurwenal and @mobilehaathi...and possibly others, will be a big help, though.
No problem: As with fishing, I just thought I would toss out my small problem - and, solving small problems can give those who suffer from large problems (and, yes, my friends, @Shrink, @Kurwenal, you have both endured massive issues, which could be classed as 'exceptionally large problems' - and , though I cannot lay claim to similar health issues, I will say that my domestic situation has posed no small stress these past months) some small degree of......satisfaction.

Never mind.

It is wonderful to see you both back in these fora, alive, active, of all....most uninhibitedly opinionated.....on matters relating to coffee, grinding, and its preparation, serving, and espresso...

My heart soars to see you both back here, on these threads, and fora, with us, and a heartfelt welcome back to you both.
SS: I assume for drip?

A basic/classical blend is 50% of your African + 50% of a good Indonesian coffee, like something from Sulawesi. It would work well with a lighter roast.

If you want to use a good Colombian, you would go maybe 60% Colombian and 40% Ethiopian.

Blending....this may be the only coffee rabbit hole this group has not yet explored. But, to be honest, with the quality stuff you drink, I don't think you need to blend (unless it is something you enjoy doing).
SS: I assume for drip?

A basic/classical blend is 50% of your African + 50% of a good Indonesian coffee, like something from Sulawesi. It would work well with a lighter roast.

If you want to use a good Colombian, you would go maybe 60% Colombian and 40% Ethiopian.

Blending....this may be the only coffee rabbit hole this group has not yet explored. But, to be honest, with the quality stuff you drink, I don't think you need to blend (unless it is something you enjoy doing).

French Press, (Le Creuset), as well.

Blending only became something I considered well within my means, and orbit, once I began to grind my own beans (and yes, curse you, for having introduced me - or embarrassed me - into doing this) and once I had beans I felt obliged to try, experiment.

So, blending only crossed my mind when I had 1) a grinder, and 2) beans that I realised I didn't really want to drink simply and solely in the form I had purchased them, and 3) that prompted me to contemplate the joys (and, yes, they were joys, mixed joys, not always successful joys, yes, but also strangely rewarding joys) - I would never have contemplated blending my own personal coffee blends had I not invested in this splendid, massive, indestructible tank masquerading as a chess piece which manages to grind beans most satisfactorily......
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Well, it is wonderful to have both @Shrink and @Kurwenal restored to us, here, in this thread. It just hasn't been the same without the insanity of your compulsive pursuit of coffee perfection.

Pssst, doing well. In remission. Still some treatments but, hey, what are you gonna do? I have beaten the projections by a mile. Several miles.

And I still drink a double ristretto nearly every morning. Roasted and ground by moi. In fact, after 30 years of looking and tinkering, I think I currently have the perfect setup. Dare I say it? With espresso, I think I am "done" looking. Drip? Well, the search goes on.

Life is good.

Fantastic news.

And terrific to learn that you have your health, and a homemade ristretto (not even an espresso.....) every morning made to your demanding and exciting standards.
Hey now...I think we are all equally psychopathic, each in his or her own coffeetastic way...although obviously I defer to El Shrinko as both the clinical and java expert on this.

Great story, but $10 an ounce for what sounds like garden variety drip?

Good grief! $10/oz? Sorry---and I'm sure the coffee is tasty---but I'm having a hard time thinking that's much more than a marketing gimmick.
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My comment: or you can just buy a non-crap grinder and not worry about it.

My other comment: this sounds like something our mad scientist Mr. MH would try.....

"They started at room temperature and went down to that of liquid nitrogen (-321 degrees Fahrenheit). It turned out, the colder the bean, the more uniform particles it produced, and the more even the flavor."
Good grief! $10/oz? Sorry---and I'm sure the coffee is tasty---but I'm having a hard time thinking that's much more than a marketing gimmick.

Well, what do you expect from Californians. :)
My comment: or you can just buy a non-crap grinder and not worry about it.

My other comment: this sounds like something our mad scientist Mr. MH would try.....

"They started at room temperature and went down to that of liquid nitrogen (-321 degrees Fahrenheit). It turned out, the colder the bean, the more uniform particles it produced, and the more even the flavor."

Heeheehee! But might the extreme cold 'make up' for any gains from uniform grind size?
Just try to get your head around this sentence:

"For a more flavor-driven, sour and sweet cup, baristas adjust grinder settings for finer particles throughout the day."

What the hell......o_O

Since when is sour a desirable quality of coffee? And...what's with the suggestion that baristas grind finer and finer as the day goes on? Flavor Well they've never enjoyed a hot mug of caffeinated glycerin in the morning.

Errr, okay then.
Ah, guys, (@Shrink, @Kurwenal, @mobilehaathi) I do enjoy reading your bonkers and wonderfully deranged posts on coffee, and coffee related matters now that you have all been restored to us - in some degree of health, which is a hell of a lot better than no health.

Anyway, I suppose that I just wished to say that I really rather like this thread, and it is great to see that it has recovered its effervescent joie de vivre with the welcome return of some of its respected elders....
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