That's bad. Come on at least a bowl of cereal.
I don't eat cereal, ever. (Or, hardly ever; say, once or twice a year).
This morning, I didn't have time to make a cup of coffee at home, - and mornings such as today's are the reason I have a small jar of pre-ground coffee to hand - I just don't have time for grinding beans when I am in a hurry and have to juggle half a dozen to a dozen things in my head at a given time; this morning, I hadn't time to prepare - let alone drink - my freshly squeezed juice, either.
So, coffee, freshly squeezed juice, and toast (French bread), with honey, jam or cheese, is what I would normally have had in the days when I am not so rushed.
Now, almost every other morning I manage fresh coffee, freshly squeezed juice, and some version of toast. Even then, the phone is ringing.
(Today, when I was in an embassy arranging a visa, when my phone rang. It was the hospice nurse, who had visited yesterday, with, yes, information, important information, but - for once - I was attending to my own affairs, and needed to be able to give it my full concentration.
A lazy breakfast is usually the proverbial 'Full English' - but I only ever have that when Decent Brother is around.
If I have time, I will have bread (French bread) with either cheese, or homemade jam (but not by me - bought in the market) or honey.
Organising other people's lives takes up so much of my mental bandwidth, that if I manage to get out he door with the documentation I need and my paperwork in order, I'm doing well.
Mind you, if I am staying in a good hotel, I make a point of allowing myself a full (the spell check wanted to write 'fun' instead of 'full' - both will do) so, a full, fun hour to greet their breakfast buffet, to which I do full justice.
I love people cooking breakfast for me, and if someone offers, I will always happily accept; dinner I can manage perfectly well (I am an accomplished cook), but preparing breakfast for someone else is a huge chore, as I am not naturally a morning person.