I don't think Starbuck's coffee in Europe is particularly good. It's very bitter and characterless- a bit like burnt wood and I don't much like it. Maybe it varies from country to country but I've tried it in London and Paris.
The reason coffee is so brilliant in italy is that they want to make excellent coffee, they have terrific machines and the customers complain if the coffee is bad.
I was staying in a fairly crumby hotel in Sicily (most Italian hotels are pretty crumby). There was a little wooden hut by the pool that served coffee and inside it they had a superb, professional machine.
They guy fussed over it keeping it spotless and the coffee he served in a plastic cup was sublime.
I complemented him and he beamed. He said, 'I might be in a wooden hut but I want to make the best coffee in the world!'
That's why it's so good.
Why would you buy Starbucks in Europe?
Or anywhere for that matter.