How is your exquisite egg equipment working out for you?
It's working very well, except that once I tried to use the egg cracker with a jumbo egg... which literally exploded. I don't know if I did something wrong, if the internal pressure was too much, or if jumbo eggs are not recommended with the tool. At any rate, I used it tens of times by now and not a single time a piece of egg shell ended up in the wrong place, even those times that the top did not break as I expected it to.
About to prepare another coffee presently.
Beautiful, deep words!
I just finished preparing another cup myself. Caffeinated cheers my friend!
Ah, @Scepticalscribe - your words ("about to prepare another coffee presently") somehow made my memory recall a book I've read many years ago, "Coffee: Philosophy for Everyone". It's a collection of essays on coffee and philosophy, you might enjoy it as a light, yet instructive reading.

Coffee - Philosophy for Everyone: Grounds for Debate
Offering philosophical insights into the popular morning brew, kick starts the day with an entertaining but critical discussion of the ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and culture of coffee.
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