Kenyan coffee with organic, full fat milk.
I have Kenyan in my Ember mug sitting beside me as I answer Christmas emails.
And currently listening to (and watching) the Vienna Philharmonic New Year's Concert, a mug of Ethiopian coffee at my side.
This was a tradition that my late father and I enjoyed together every New Year's Day, when we would watch (and listen to) the concert together.
Can't think of a better way to salute the New Year, his memory, and the whole culture of Vienna, than to watch (and listen to) and enjoy this concert with a mug of coffee; after all, coffee came to Europe via Vienna in the 17th century, as did the very culture of the coffee house or café.
I watched some of that also. Now enjoying a cup of Kenyan.
Finally had the (in)famous Death Wish Coffee. Flavor is average at best, but I do think that it has waaaay more caffeine than regular coffee. I might never sleep.
Where do the beans that comprise this coffee hail from, or is it a blend?
5. Where is Death Wish Coffee Grown?
Death Wish Coffee is made from a unique combination of beans. There are several countries that produce green coffee, and the manufacturers claim to have scoured these countries for the finest quality fair trade produce. In most cases, the beans used to produce Death Wish Coffee come from Peru and India.
The team tests the beans continually to ensure premium quality, and several factors, including environmental and climatic changes, are taken into account. Death Wish Coffee is made using organic, fair trade coffee. Sustainability is an issue that the company takes very seriously, and this can be seen through its commitment to employing ethical sourcing techniques, working with fair trade producers and to creating packaging made from sustainable materials.
6. How Much Caffeine is in Death Wish Coffee?
Death Wish Coffee’s USP is its caffeine content. The strength of the coffee is what sets it apart from others and stokes interest and intrigue among coffee drinkers. Mike Brown started to develop Death Wish Coffee due to a growing demand for strong coffee. The caffeine content of Death Wish Coffee is around 200% higher than the average cup of coffee.
Classified as a specialty roast by the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), the manufacturers of Death Wish Coffee recommend a ratio of 2.5 tablespoons of coffee per 6oz of water. The average cup of brewed coffee contains approximately 12mg of caffeine per fluid ounce, which equates to around 144mg per serving.
Death Wish Coffee contains 59mg of caffeine per fluid ounce, giving a total caffeine content of 708mg per serving.
Caffeine intake is a subject of fervent debate, especially in the realms of health and wellness. When buying a product with the words ‘Death Wish’ emblazoned on the label, it’s natural to have questions about the impact of drinking coffee that has such high caffeine content.
While studies show that taking in a certain amount of coffee isn’t harmful, there are concerns related to the consequences of exceeding the recommended levels of caffeine on a regular basis. US Dietary Guidelines recommend a daily intake of 400mg of caffeine, which means that just one cup of Death Wish would put you well over the limit.
The manufacturers claim that you would have to drink at last 30 cups of coffee to experience negative side-effects, but there’s no way of knowing what kind of reaction you’ll have to a cup of coffee without trying it. Everyone is different. Some people may not have any obvious reaction, while others may feel jittery or restless.
It’s also worth noting that there’s a difference between having a few coffees throughout the day and taking a massive hit in one go.
Death Wish Coffee Review: Don't Drink It Before You Read This
Wondering if Death Wish Coffee is worth buying or even drinking? Then stop what you’re doing right now and keep reading. The Ultimate Death Wish Coffee Review In the last few years, there’s been a huge
Hmmmm, well I am a fan of spicy food and hot peppers but not sure I would ever want to eat a ghost pepper or any dish prepared with such. I would not taste anything else!
I think this is the same with this ahem "Death Wish" coffee. Seems more gimmicky than anything else.
While I am also a fan of spicy foods (and hot peppers, and robust beers, and serious coffee), I think that this "Death Wish" coffee reminds me a little of those artisan beers where the excessive alcohol overpowers all else, (and I like artisan beers, especially robust ones), at the expense of both balance and taste.
Strong coffees - with plenty of caffeine - are fine, but not at the expense of other qualities, such as balance, taste, aroma.
I think this is the same with this ahem "Death Wish" coffee. Seems more gimmicky than anything else.