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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 22, 2007
So those of us who will finally acquire our shiny new iPad on Friday, what apps have you downloaded, both freebies and bought? What would you recommend?

My list is looking rather pathetic and I need some inspiration! :)

At the moment I have:-

BBC News
Citrix Receiver
Marvel Comics
We Rule

I havent got mine yet, but the ones I have ready and waiting are...

Block Classic
GQ Magazine
News Rack,
10 Pin Shuffle
Asphalt 5 HD
Flight Control HD
Jumbo Calculator
Let's Golf
Pinball HD
Plants vs Zombies
Time Magazine (the ipad issue.)
We Rule
The Weather Channel
Words with Friends
Worms HD

That should keep me busy for a while!!
Having a US iTunes acct, I have numbers, pages and keynote. If I was to go again I would probably go for office HD.

I decided Mobileme was too expensive and use Dropbox as a file drop. Now thinking that I may want to use remote wipe should I ever lose it.

I have not really found a good app for basic photo editing. I also wanted to make postcards to email while away. I have postcard, but never actually sent a card.

Thinking that I would be able to send prints directly to my wifi printer, I have print n share. It only works when shared through a printer and I hope for more when OS4 comes out.

Mahjong HD seems to be a good demo, alongside Pinball HD but my game of the moment is HotelMogel Hd.

Tried loads of others, not many of them get used. IBooks is good if you plan to convert PDFs, books are pretty expensive. I thought it would be paperback prices rather than hardback first editions.

Hope this helps.
Reading through my last, it sounds very negative. I love the iPad to bits and use it loads. The apps pages etc are good - and the keyboard is fine for most stuff. Whilst it is impressive, remember it is only the start of the story.
Thanks guys - that's very helpful!

Oooh Tulipone I love those hotel management style games - I must check that out! :)
Ohh this is a bad topic for me to get involved in, I saw the recommendation for Hotel Mogul HD, liked the look of it, bought it, then in the 'more apps' section I saw Farm Frenzy 2 HD, the first one on iPhone was brilliant so I bought it and there are bound to be more recommendations to come.... my poor debit card
I'm a bit lucky here. I have had use of my wifes iPad for the last three weeks until my 3G model comes on Friday. I have started collecting apps as I can reset her iPad when mine comes and load them onto mine.

First thing I did was jailbreak it (5 minute job) the first app I installed when it was jail broken was backgrounder. This lets you run apps in the background aka OS4.

Other normally obtained apps are

Twitterific - Best Twitter client so far in my opinion
1Password - A stable must for any Apple owner
Airvideo - Streams videos over your wifi network perfectly. Amazing
Goodreader - Where iBooks falls down. Store a collection of PDF's
Sketchbook - Bit pricey but best sketching app I have seen. Made by Autodesk
Simplenote - Great notetaker app
Newsrack - Great RSS feed reader that does twitter too
Words with Friends HD - Multiplayer networked Scrabble..Fantastic
Bento - Because I use their database on the Mac and iPhone
Kindle - Well you have to. It's free
Cloudreaders - A good alternative PDF reader
Stickyboard - Great for brainstorming ideas
Fight Control HD - Because I was addicted to it on the iPhone
Shazam and Soundhound - Both great for identifying those obscure songs you hear
Weather Bug - Best weather forecast I have seen
BejiveIM - IM client for Yahoo MSN etc etc.
Atomic Web - Better than Safari
Dropbox - Shouldnt need any explanation.
Calculator - Because Apple forgot to add it in.
MotionX GPS HD - For those with a 3G model. The best GPS app going.

Thats it so far.
Thank you OP, I was sat there this morning thinking... ummmm I wish there was a thread that told me what was good out there...

Well this evening (before this thread) I spent 2 hrs trawling every iPad app on iTunes (uk store)

Bought up loads in preparation... damn you excitement £90+ dropped in less than 30 mins!

Roll on Friday :)

Oh, to mention but a few;
- Things
- Real Racing
- Bento
- Scrabble
- 1Password (already use pro) this is a must for anyone!
- SketchBook
- log me in ignition
- urbanspoon
- epicurious
- iBooks
- Shazam
- Magic Piano
- Adobe Ideas (free!)
- WebEX
... and much more...
Ohh this is a bad topic for me to get involved in, I saw the recommendation for Hotel Mogul HD, liked the look of it, bought it, then in the 'more apps' section I saw Farm Frenzy 2 HD, the first one on iPhone was brilliant so I bought it and there are bound to be more recommendations to come.... my poor debit card

The Vacation Mogul looks pretty good too! :eek:

*slowly puts the plastic down*

henry I was looking at Things - it's twelve flippin quid - is it that good!!?
After a unpleasant experience with an us bay seller I bought mine three weeks ago on German eBay. It's almost in non stop use (work and private) and for me it's not magical - it's extremely enjoyable and useful at the same time

Use some apps and downloaded many more... (is there something like an iPad app addiction ??) feel free to ask for some more in depth comments

My all time favorite is air video (lets me stream all my videos to iPhone an iPad over wifi and 3G)

For the kids:
Harbour master HD
Colour draw (loved by my three year old)
5 in 1 kids pack
Magic piano (my ten year old plays Tschaikowsky:rolleyes:)
Pinball HD
I hear ewe (animal sounds)
plus lots of free stuff

For fun:
Eye tv (live tv and digital VCR if you have an elgato stick)
Transfer (transfers photos from iPhone or iMac over wifi)
Pocket pond
Bowls HD (err... My significant other is into meditation....)
Bigger words and banner HD
Speedtest and speediest HD
Die Welt (German newspaper) time magazine, ny times early edition
App advice

Todo (syncs with my iCal)
Bento and pages (not really good)
Good reader
Camera for iPad (uses the iPhone camera remotely)
Drawing pad (use it like a notepad for easy diagrams by hand)
Sundry notes
Corkulous (like a cork board)

I tried a remote client jump desktop and didn't find it useful for me.
Is the Pages app available in the UK?

Just, I don't think I've seen any of you guys mention it!

I have pages - i have used it several times to show the dtp capabilities on the test piece, just not use it properly myself yet. I have found that if I need to turn on the computer for the shared printing, I may as well type on a full size keyboard.

Consider Office HD as a combined effort until that gem is sorted.

i recommend battle for wesnoth HD for those who like turn based strategy.
also Broken Sword directors cut HD is out according to touch arcade \o/

IM+ Lite is free and supports all the protocols i need (MSN, google and facebook), its got a few ads but nothing intrusive.

oh and i am using the kindle app rather than ibooks because of the iphone-sync function which lets me continue reading on the tube.
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