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Yes! I’ve actually just downgraded from 12.9 to a 10.5 today, and I couldn’t be happier! The 12.9 lasted me 6 months, but it was a long time coming. It was a nightmare to use in bed and hurt my eyes. Dont get me wrong I’m gonna miss the full keyboard and split view. I’m just glad I can comfortably hold it with one hand now.
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View attachment 702697 No hands mom. This is what I used to illuminate the problem with 12.9 inch iPad. I can take it to the bedroom or on my recliner or sofa.

At first I was "wow, what a terrible excess". But then I remembered I always wanted something like that to hold my devices for me. :p It's perfect. Where did you get it from? How can I search more about it?
No, not really, I was super excited for the cool features and still love the stuff it can do, and the screen size is perfect for art and writing. But I’m kind of annoyed by some things it did not come with, (enough so that I very much want the rumored update.)
I’m also really starting to get annoyed with the giant footprint that it doesn’t need, (not that i’ll die or anything) but I’m kind of ticked because Apple purposefully did nothing to add any flare/features to the 12.9” to make it as appealing as the smaller one.
But my biggest pet peeve is the lack of the haptic home button or Face ID. When Apple announced the iPad in June I was really disappointed they stuck with 2007 home button hardware and bezels being the exact same. Everything else I was really excited for and couldn’t wait to get it.
So no, I don’t regret getting it, and I love using it, (as the pros outweigh the cons,) but I am disappointed that Apple didn’t add some components that are no-brainers. *Like really, how hard would it have been to add a haptic home button and reduce the side bezels so it could match it’s little brother (the 10.5”) also why no rose gold or colorful smart covers? Does Apple just think of this iPad as the Red-headed step-child because it didn’t sell as well as they imagined?

*sorry for the venting... I do not have any regrets, just some annoyances..

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For me, 10.5 was the perfect size. The 9.7 was just a little too cramped for my use. The 12.9 was too heavy to carry one-handed when I was pacing the halls and using the iPad to grade student essays.

But the 10.5? Juuuust right! Light enough to carry, but roomy enough to draw on with an Apple Pencil. Good compromise size.
That's next years model! LOL

Actually, I've seen the prototypes of the bendable OLED screens, and wouldn't be surprised to see that implementation in an iPhone or iPad in the next 3-5 years.

This is a tough question as there are pros and cons to both.

I have the 12.9, and I will honestly say that it took me at least 6 months of trying different cases, keyboards, and other accessories to find the right ones to make using it comfortable and easy.

Currently I'm using something called the Torch Grip ( This is the first solution I found which actually makes the 12.9 comfortable to use while holding. Using the device naked makes it slippery and a bit awkward, and using it with a case makes it heavy.

I use this in combination with the Apple Magic Keyboard. It works well at the desk, and the handle of the torchgrip is removable for when you want to travel (it clips off and on with a button).

That said, I'm considering "upgrading" to the new 10.5. I find the 12.9 is just a bit too big to take with me when I go places. Because of its size, I find myself being lazy and often times leaving it at home and just taking my iPhone when it would be better to take the iPad. I think with the smaller size I am more likely to use it more like an iPad and less like a laptop.

So I think that is really what you have to ask yourself.... if your intended use is around the house and you don't plan to take it places often, then with the right accessories it should be good. But if you want it to be more portable, definitely get the 10.5.

That looks interesting. Does anybody else use the Torchgrip?

Oh i got rid of my 12.9, deemed it too big. But now when i ogle it in the store i kind of miss it. It was good for maps. But for my purposes i think the 10.5 is best. I'm on my Samsung 9.7 on my back in bed right now. It's close to my face and it looks big. The 12.9 is really too big for this sort of thing.
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The only thing I regret is not waiting until the 12.9 2nd generation.

What I do regret is ever buying the 4th gen ipad back in 2012 because it's simply too small. Collecting dust. Can't multitask.

I'll regret my 12.9 512gb when Apple goes bigger (~15") with a larger storage capacity over 1 tb.
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I find the 9.7” perfect and manageable. Then again I always wonder about the 10.5 and 12.9. I use mine mainly for homework and entertainment. I found 7” tablets were too small personally. Try out the bigger size. If someone you know has one see if you can use it for a bit. I think weight will be the only concern.
We all have our own requirements. For me the 12.9” iPad with Smart Keyboard is perfect. My favourite device and the one I use the most. It is mostly on desk when I use, but is fine on my lap too, even sitting up in bed. I use it for most of my business, for entertainment and for playing music with band or orchestra (ideal size to replace paper manuscript). When I take it out and about, it is usually in an appropriate size man-bag and the larger size is no problem.

When the situation makes something smaller, or one handed desireable, then I will use my iPhone.

I am happy!
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I’ve never wanted to return my 12.9, but I did realize I needed an additional iPad mini.

I find the 12.9 requires being either propped up, mounted, or cradled in one arm. This is fine for productivity and creation—I wouldn’t want anything smaller—but for truly casual consumption I need a device I can easily hold for long periods one-handed—ie. a device no bigger than my trusty iPad mini. At home I carry it around with me and I do all my reading on it.

I get more than enough use out of both iPads to warrant having two, but obviously that’s not the case for everyone. It’s understandable to me then that a lot of people go for that middle size.
I do regret going with the 12.9 Pro, and if I could I would have exchanged it for the 10.5 version which for me is still the perfect size.
I had the 10,5” for half a year before upgrading to 12,9”. I love the larger device, no regrets what so ever. A lot more content fits on the 12,9” screen, full keyboard, better sound. Downside is a tiny bit larger foot print (in my opinion) and the increased cost.

I’m mostly using it for Safari, videos and multitasking. The sound is just incredible in the 12,9”, I think it blows away both the 10,5” and especially my 12” Macbook. I’m somewhat surprised about the sound, was expecting the same sound as in the 10,5”, don’t know if I’m imaginating it :D
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Do others agree with Petsk that the 12.9 has superior sound to the 10.5? I've only used the 12.9 and i thought it had great sound, far superior to my Samsung Tab S2.
Don’t regret getting the 12.9. I love the larger screen, louder speakers, larger Smart Keyboard and more battery life over the 10.5.
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To me it's not the size. The size is great, but the weight has created a lot of problems, especially when it's used with the Smart Keyboard. The Smart Keyboard for the 12.9 is sometimes too heavy and the magnetic link between it and the iPad cannot even hold its own weight and it often falls off the iPad.
I love, love, love my 12.9, but I also kept my Air 2, and I love having two. The 12.9 is essentially my laptop (sold my MBP). So, I find it extremely mobile, but I think I have a different baseline comparison than the people on here who think it isn’t good for mobile (i.e., night and day lighter and more compact than a MBP). The 12.9 is great for work (for me), movies, games, and curling up in my favorite chair to read. I very rarely use it at a desk... I work all day in a cozy chair (teaching online... sometimes upright so my students can see me and sometimes lying flat like a pad of paper so I can draw on a whiteboard). I have crappy vision, and having things extra big can feel like a relief. The Air 2 is a great supplemental device... I use it to look at books or PDFs while working on the 12.9, more often than the 12.9 for use in bed, and when I want something super quick and easy to slip in and out of a purse or carry-on. If they do some kind of cool update to the 10.5 this year, I’ll probably upgrade the Air 2.
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I didn't regret buying the 12.9 Pro. Got a great deal back-in-the-day when Staples and Best Buy were having crazy deals.

The added features to iOS to improve the Pro's capabilities offered promise for the future. Then came iOS 11. Bug ridden, a step backward in some instances (widget screen when from 2 column to 1, task switcher doesn't just show running apps but also most recently run), battery life killer, just to name a few. Apple claimed that the removal of support for 32-bit apps was necessary to improve performance and stability. That claim is ringing hollow for me.

It is clear to me that Apple is not serious or aggressive in wanting to advance the iPad to a place where I'd like it to be. At this pace, it'll be 5+ years if ever for them to make those changes. Life's too short for that.

So since the iPad of the foreseeable future is going to be very similar to the iPad of yesterday, there is much less reason for me to have a 12.9" iPad.

All that to say, I don't regret my decision to purchase a 12.9 Pro. I've had a lot of experimenting, use, and fun out of it over these past 2 years. But given the current state (and most likely future direction) of iOS, I don't see a need for me to have anything larger than an iPad Mini in the future.
Every time I try the 10.5” in the store, I’m struck by how cramped the smart keyboard is, how small side by side apps.

I find my current line up (12.9” iPad, 8+) to hit the sweet spot for iOS devices for me. What I struggle with is a MacBook - I really want a small MacBook with a good keyboard and screen, and the current lineup doesn’t really cut it
No regrets. From day 1 of the original iPad launch, there was a part of me that wished there was just a little more screen space. Now I have it, it even feels lighter than my iPad3, so while compared to an Air, yeah it’s heavier, it is still pretty light.
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Am I right in thinking the 12.9" iPad Pro is no heavier than the original iPad?

The 12.9" is the perfect size for me to work with the iPhone X when I need greater portability or one handed use
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