Bull Connor...woops, I mean Joe Arpaio. Spends big money on worthless raids, for example, using a government owned tank to mow down a block fence.....all to arrest a guy who hoarded chickens, which by the way, they already had a warrant for.....claims that the chicken hoarding was harmful to animals, but the tank ran over a dog in the process.
Places his name in PERMANENT SIGNAGE everywhere, so when we get a new sheriff, we have to spend even more money buying new signs.
Jan Screwup, I mean Jan Brewer....I have many reasons to be angry at this lady, including her "budget budget budget" crap, which has done nothing but cut services from my city, proposing more and more tax cuts for the rich etc, repealing the transit tax that went to our cities roads, and buses, etc. Proposing the Anti-Gay marriage law Prop 102, and many many more.