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mrgreen4242 said:
My 17" iMac G5 (1st gen) was equally craptastic. When I (finally) got it home I hooked it up and it was SO AMAZINGLY LOUD anytime I tried to do anything more than check my email. Then the HDD went bad. Then it had the problem with the faulty capacitors bulging/bursting.

I finally traded it for the mini and LCD in my sig and haven't looked back. It's a great machine. Sure, it's marginally slower and slightly less upgradable, but who cares? It works flawless for everything I want to do. My next Apple will be an Intel based iBook. :)

Uh, what do you mean "the HDD went bad" ? What were the symptoms ?
Just trying to figure out if my problems might have a solution.

What about the capacitors thingy ? Is it next in the line for iMac owners ?

I'm already glad I don't have the CD-thrower option...

To those who complain of the "loud" imacs :

They're not! Or at least, mine isn't. I mean sure, the fans pipe up every now and again when you're running somthing taxing on the 'ol processor, but Ive just invested in one, had it about a week and am thrilled with the increased performance over a G4.

When I purchased my first ever mac, I was a little dissapointed. It didn't have any of the programs I wanted to use, and frankly I didn't know how to use the thing. But then 10.3 came out (I started with 10.2) and thats when I fell in love with it. Expose, Brushed metal etc - so many advances that when I went back to windows for a project I needed Microsoft Access for, I hated it through and through.

I think my problem was that I was brought up on windows. brought up on clicking on endless "properties" and "click here if you want a virus" buttons that when it came to a mac I honestly didn't know how to use it. For example:

You insert a new hardware item on a pc and drumrolls occur, with a mini-fanfare, and a message saying "CONGRATULATIONS, you've installed a new piece of hardware, and we've actually picked the thing up!! Are you proud?"

*Blank screen as the new hardware just works flawlessly*

Thats the truth, and it takes some getting used to!
I never regreted getting a mac. They are just too reliable, I've used them throughout my life, except for my little windows stint, 2002-2005, not my fault, i have switched back as of a few months ago.

No regrets.
i never regretted buying a mac. i'm just not sure if i bought the right mac. with my PB i'm not sure if a ibook and a imac G5 for about the same money would have been the better choice.

so far i never had hardware issues (except of a bad ram that i got replaced).

overall the machines where always solid, silent, reliable, troublefree. only since windows xp service pack 2 the microsoft world is a viable alternative. but then you need a quality PC (not a dell crap) wich makes it almost as expensive as the mac (o.k. a little less expensive, around 20-30% :eek: ).

i don't play games so i don't miss anything there and the easy to use creativity software available on the mac is just perfect for me.
My only regret about a mac is that, whenever i have to do something with sound it fails me. i have Traktor...but my mac doesnt have multiple audio outputs..i need to buy on-top of an already really expensive system something that just comes in almost any PC. Second case, i wanted to use a microphone with skype but ofcourse needed to use my external sound card for that cos macs dont have an amplifier built in..very sad. That is my only complaint, otherwise i am mighty happy and would never go to the dark side..
prophet621 said:
It doesn't 'just work' for me, in fact, it stops work or causes more work. I've had constant problems with it and 2 re-installs of the OS in the month I've owned it. Even without all the problems I've had I can't say I would like it. I just fell like I wasted my money on a lemon.

Probably a hardware problem, a real lemon. Though I wouldn't blame this on it being a "Mac" per se, just that it's a lemon. You should investigate getting this issue fixed, as it is not the norm. Millions of Mac users can't be that stupid..
lets see i have owned ONE non apple computer in my life it was an IBM thinkpad, and i broke it over my knee.

So hell no, no regrets at all.
the slowest app to launch on my ibook is photoshop and that takes exactly 23 seconds to boot, this is on a 600MHz G3 with 640MB ram, also typing is instant, something is wrong with your ibook, very wrong.
I regret buying my ibook. I don't like os x as much as I like windows, but I am guessing it is my computer. Our family computer is windows and it is really nice, and mine is just slow.
I regret not buying one sooner. I could have gotten a PowerMac G4 1 Ghz or an iBook instead of the Compaq machine. Now I don't have anything against the hardware. Windows is the problem. :D
You know for the 1st few days I was sooooo angry with my mini. I was determined I had made the wrong switch. Everything was different. Even closing the fricken windows, the X was on the wrong side. Then I realised, the X was on the right side, it was me. I had been brainwashed my microsoft to accept their way of life. Guess I was cold Turkey and I didnt know. Withdrawal symptoms soon diminished, the fog cleared......Long live the mac, cos I ain't goin back!
started using macs in 89, had an se30, never used a computor before, I started a job with my brother and he dissapered to saudi for 6 months, I taught my self how to use a computor, it was so easy, had macs since then with quadra's, tangerine Imac and now a G5 20" Imac. not once have I ever had a problem, I hate PC, so bloody un-user freindly. I must be the luckiest person on the planet.
prophet621 said:
Before I begin, I want to say that I’m not trying to start any arguments, just frustrated and I guess I want to see if there are/were others like me. Did you have problems or for whatever reason not like your mac but it grew on you? I constantly hear from people on this board and a few people at work I talk to who often say they bought a mac and never looked back or something similar. That’s not the case with me. To be honest, I really don’t like it very much and rarely use it.

It doesn't 'just work' for me, in fact, it stops work or causes more work. I've had constant problems with it and 2 re-installs of the OS in the month I've owned it. Even without all the problems I've had I can't say I would like it. I just fell like I wasted my money on a lemon.

Why dont you tell us what sort of machine you have? Is it an older machine, a newer one?

Sorry should have read further, you did point that out.
To all those b******* about loud iMacs, IT'S CALLED REVISION A. If you're still under 1 year, take it to a genius bar or send it to apple and request the REVISION B's. Buying a Revision A of ANY computer from ANY manufacturer can guarantee a shot in the foot.

And yes, if you're Mac is coming to a hault that much, you need to take it back to Apple and have them check it out. It could be a bad logic board or some other piece of hardware. Software would rarely, rarely ever do that. The mac in my sig still purr's along 24/7. And it's over THREE years old.
I regret not purchasing a Mac sooner.

Though I think I wouldn't have liked OS 9 as much.

After seeing my roommate struggle with his Compaq, then his Alienware 7700, and now his homebrew desktop (fully loaded with an Athlon X2 4800+), I'm happy I have a Mac.

Even now, he's asking me to recover his drives for him ... :)
Only get a slight regret every now and the when I get the uncanny desire to play a game. However, that's so rare it's not even funny. I love Macs so much I have two of them. :)
Only thing I regret is not buying the 15" PB instead of the 12". Actually, it's not really something I regret. I'm just still not sure whether or not I did the right choice (and I've had it for almost a year now!)

I can't really regret getting a Mac, since I still own a PC, and I'll most likely be a dual-user for quite some time.
Thats the one reason...

This thread is the one reason why I am going to at LEAST wait until 2006 to want a Mac again.

Sure, Windows has its problems, but I am very good at fixing them. I love Windows, its a great OS. Just because some other people hate it doesn't mean everyone should. If iTunes is able to work just as well on Windows as it does on a Mac, then clearly Windows IS capable of having amazing software, and it most of the time does.

I decided to try Linux, and HATED IT. It is SO BAD. Ubuntu, Fedora Core 4, SuSE, Linspire, and Knoppix all suck. I hate them so much.

Of course, at the Apple store, the Macs on display are amazing. But what if it doesn't work the way I want it to like Windows does? Thats my only fear...
I got my first mac about 10 years ago (performa 6200 75Mhz woo) and i switched from... no not PC but from Atari :eek: that said my Atari was a little old even then STFM with 1Mb ram upgrade :D

Used mac solely at home until 99ish and had to get a PC for IT school work, it was a P2 400Mhz thing ma bob and that worked ok until i discovered games under windows came out much sooner, and generally the games were better all round. But alas, i couldn't do any real work on the PC, as everything was in the wrong place, and it just annoyed me in general :rolleyes:

Ever since then i've had a PC that'll run the latest and greatest games to some extent, and a mac that does everything else :cool: it's the only way to fly :cool:

As to problems, umm... My RevA clamshell iBook managed to loose the contents of its HDD, was running 8.6 then, after a format and installing os 9 all was well, ran perfectly up until 10.3.9

And um, err... *thinks hard*.. Oh, i've had a few onboard batteries die making the machine not boot (desktop), normally fixed by bodgeing in a cr3032 or something

So, i'm quite happily living in a multi format house, all being used for what their good at and never had a real problem that made me want to use PCs full time :cool:
Up to about 2 years ago we were all Windoze. 3 machines. Converted one to Linux to make 2 Windoze and 1 Linux.
Then bought a 1.8G SP G5 PowerMac. Nice :D
One Windoze machine got a little polluted, its now gather dust. The Linux machine cratered. So then I was down to 1 Windoze, 1 Mac. Then I bought a Mac mini to connect to my TV and use of trips ... cool.
So I was at 1 PC and 2 Macs.
But my son just bought an iBook for university. So ...
We are at 1 PC and 3 Macs now!
Now if only we can get a lot more engineering programs onto the Mac platform!
Not a single regret about my Mac purchase. Nope, no surrey (sp?)

I only regret that I don't have more money for more Mac purhcases and I regret that after years of trying to think of what to do with all those Macs I would like to buy, I have come up empty of any ideas :)
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