Exactly, I totally agree (although I don't think they use silk screen printing but I get your point)
This superior, aren't those plebs stupid attitude really gets me. apple need to communicate more effectively what can be brought with an itunes card region by region. So to the clever people who said its obvious you can buy apps with an itunes card, you were wrong about Canada and I suspect many other countries we do not know about.
Besides, my wife is the smartest person I know. Just she chooses not to become obsessed with the minutia of how apple sets up its retail operations. And that is the point. It should be obvious to anyone from the 16yr old computer wizz to a 70 year old woman buying a present for their grand son.
Presently every retailer of itunes gift cards in this particular Westfield mall in suburban Sydney has no idea apps can be purchased with it. Now tell me who's dumb. Apple or ALL the retailers?
This arrogant attitude almost brought apple down before.
apple have an issue here and need to something extremely simple (like printing on the card) to fix it.