Was he trippin'?
Seriously, HOW did you score that?
Well, to go into detail, his cat jumped on the screen and snapped it clean off, so he just took it out and claimed that it didn't work.
Me being the smart fellow that I am
said hey, I'll buy it off you for $100, stupidly enough he said yes and sold it to me the next day.
I just connected it to a power source and connected it to a 19" display, from there on it was easy sailing.
Then one day, my sister fiancé said 'hey Matt, you want a screen for your macbook?' and I'm like 'helll yeah!' so he sold me a water damaged white macbook for $100, so a ifixit guide and a glass of juice later, I had a white macbook screen on a black macbook body, I put the black bezel on and replaced the black keys with white, and there you have it
Here's some pics of the laptop itself. As for my setup, I don't have a camera right now. I had to take this with my brothers iPhone a few weeks ago.
Notice the claw marks in the middle-left.
Oh, and a before shot.. (I got a new desk, so don't tease