Ok so every thread here and on SM keeps complaining about the same 2 things:
- Why does the new iPad 10th gen only use Pencil 1
- Why does the iPad pro miss out on the landscape camera
I mean, the answer is pretty obvious.
How would you fit both a magnetic charger and landscape camera in the small same area?
The iPad can thus get away with Pencil 1 to get around the problem, and since Pros already have Pencil 2, and are used for pro things that need a better pencil, you cant take that away from them.
But I have faith that in forthcoming generations Apple above other companies will figure out how to fit both in the same region, in a cost effective way
Have you looked at the size of the pencil charger and the camera? Seems like they could have moved the pencil charger slightly up or down the edge to fit both on the landscape side. Or they could have moved the speakers to the landscape side and moved the pencil to the short side where the camera used to be.
This convoluted pencil 1 with dongle and cable “solution” seems to be implemented solely to drive people who want to use the pencil regularly to the more expensive iPad Air (despite the fact that they advertise Pencil use as part of the iPad 10 marketing—with an asterisk—which suggests they want people excited about Pencil capability when viewing the marketing, concerned when they learn of the caveats of Pencil 1 support, and deciding the $150 extra to jump to the “uncompromised” Air is not that much).
Apple seems to have market research that indicates that:
(1) the price hike from the iPad 9 to Air was too great to drive people to upgrade;
(2) the $329 entry price is necessary in the market;
(3) a mid-level iPad in the style of the Air decontented to be thicker and heavier with an unlaminated screen lacking anti-glare is not enough to drive a critical mass of consumers from said decontented iPad to the Air (and perhaps to the Pro once they’ve justified the jump to the Air); and
(4) given all of the above, limiting the new iPad to Pencil 1 support necessitating the use of an adapter and cable to PAIR the pencil and charge it (not even developing an adapter to use without a cable to make the Pencil 1 work as it did with every iPad with which it was compatible prior to this week) is the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back enticing a critical mass of consumers to follow the upsell to the Air (or even better, one of the Pros).
It is gross, and I hope the strategy bites them in the rear end.