So, I am really glad someone noticed that issue. I was always buying US iPhones cause of this bug and not feature for me, I know EU wont let us hurt ours ears but the simple turn off switch should do it but they are pushing us to hack the iPhone and remove that plist that causes the iOS to have lower volume even if that is right thing for us, some people are doing extreme sports, riding a bike or many other things that want to have a loud music so they can enjoy at 100% what they do. My iPhone X first iPhone bought from the EU market, except the display problems have really low sound quality even when i am talking to the phone, so I am trying to find the hack with iBackupBot, this is the only way to do it without jailbreak or something. Anyone tried it the last year or iOS 11?
Just to make thing clearer here: AirPods wont give me that low sound earpods does and of course I dont see that yellow and red bars on the sound change notification when the volume goes up to max. Never again EU iPhone.