People exchanging their defective wifi model for another wifi model is legitimate. How many times they need to exchange their model to get a working wifi model is perfectly legit.
The problem arises when people are lying about their wifi being broken so they can conveniently trade it up for a 3G model.
Hence the restocking fee's, domestic shortage, international delay.
Unless you can provide some documented proof (i.e. FACTS), this is just a ridiculous personal assumption on your part. You honestly think the international delay is caused by your conspiracy theory? The real reason was so eloquently stated by vm195...
Apple makes $250+ off every ipad sold. Im going to cry a river for them if they only make $200 off refurbed ones. How Apple gets away with a 14 day policy boggles my imagination. Its further amazing that they are going to charge 10% just to return an item. Frankly if youhave buyers remorse within 30 days, you should be allowed to return it for free. The reason there is domestic shortage and international delay is that a) Apple didnt make enough and b) Apple didnt make enough. What percentage do you think even brought back their ipads? I would submit its a very low number, and doesnt affect you at all.
The folks at Apple enabled these returns by stupidly staggering the release dates. I'm sure they anticipated this, and don't really care.
I don't normally chime in on the ridiculous posts, but this is too funny.
You really have no idea what you're typing, do you...cover returns that were not indeed defective..., lol, my wife's reading over my shoulder, and she's even laughing.
Anyway, restocking fees exist for quite a few reasons. There's not just one reason, but many companies use them to make up for items that devalue in a short period of time. Other companies use restocking fees to cover costs associated with accepting returns. There are a number variables in this category. Many times these items are shipped back to the manufacturer for refurbishment and resold as such at a lesser price. Even some other companies use restocking fees as deterrent against consumers to return items.
Everybody has a reason for restocking fees, and many have reasons for NO restocking fees, such as good will toward customers and to maintain lasting relationships. I will never buy from a store with restocking fees, unless I can't purchase the item anywhere else. I number of retail establishments lose business over restocking fees, but feel the it's financially worth the practice.
Next time, you may find it valuable to form a cogent argument to support your reasoning before typing what must have been a series of embarrassing posts.
What he said.
Honestly, why are you directing all this pent up anger about Apple's policy towards the few culprits when it's Apple that's enabling them? If Apple doesn't see fit to charge the restocking fee, that's their decision. If Apple was really concerned about those few folks 'lying' about their wifi issues to avoid the restocking fee and get a 3G, don't you think they'd verify the iPad was in fact faulty? If their decision makes you angry, go have a chat with them---sure they'd love to hear from you.