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Apr 23, 2009
... a better camera was done with the 4s and it most likely as good as its going to get for a phone camera.

Have you seen the Lumia 920. There is definitely room for apple to improve in the camera department. I would love a better camera than what the 4S has.


macrumors 68000
Nov 24, 2010
I don't understand why everyone is getting so upset over this next iPhone. I think we can safely assume that this iPhone will be a heck of a lot more of an upgrade than the 4S was. That event was truly disappointing. At least this time around we will see somewhat of a redesign, LTE, new dock connector, and who knows what the secret software features will be. Compared to last years event, this one should be a lot more exciting.


macrumors regular
Nov 22, 2010
I have every iPhone since its inception...but

The stretch design is a joke....look just like the 4 and 4s.
What have the been doing for 2 years?

Apple innovation and design is dead.
Samsung and Nokia lumia have better design


Jun 29, 2012
Colorado Springs USA for now
You are truly the man!!!! Keep livin' the dream!

No not the man, simply can't stand when others worry about how I spend my hard earned money. That's one of the propblems with the American society. Every one feels the need to put their nose in other's business. I have 6 people on my account, with 5 upgrades up coming and have no issue paying for 5 upgrades. Don't hate me simply because I spent many years of my life with no money earning my education and now that I am established, want to spend my money the way I want.

I have every iPhone since its inception...but
The stretch design is a joke....look just like the 4 and 4s.
What have the been doing for 2 years?
Apple innovation and design is dead.
Samsung and Nokia lumia have better design
Your argument is so filled with horse crap it's ridiculous. Same tired complaint every time. It looks nothing like a 4s, and no matter how much you and others say it, it simply won't make it true. You do know what the real joke is don't you? It's that people like yourself keep saying the same crap over and over again when it's clearly not true. My 7 year old can tell the difference between my 4s and pictures of the i5, why can't you and those that think like you?
If you don't like the new design tha's one thing, flat out lying about that design is another.
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macrumors 68020
Jun 4, 2008
No not the man, simply can't stand when others worry about how I spend my hard earned money. That's one of the propblems with the American society. Every one feels the need to put their nose in other's business. I have 6 people on my account, with 5 upgrades up coming and have no issue paying for 5 upgrades. Don't hate me simply because I spent many years of my life with no money earning my education and now that I am established, want to spend my money the way I want.

I don't hate anyone for spending their money how they see fit. I've got plenty, but I'm not about to announce it to everyone. Makes me look like a douchebag if I did.


macrumors regular
Dec 20, 2011
These are my thoughts exactly. Plus, iPhones are too expensive for storage space. I have 16GB of music, and to get a 32GB phone for 300 bucks is not reasonable, when I can upgrade a 16GB Galaxy S3 to 80GB for 60 bucks. $260 for 80GB vs $400 for 64GB is just not practical.

Also, in before all the apple fanboys tell us to leave because we're not worshipping Apple like a deity anymore. :rolleyes:

Playing devils advocate here on this one.
Yes, you can get a bigger card cheap to make your phone a 32GB or 64GB.
But lets look at it Apples to pun intended.

iPhone 4s "Internal" 16gb $199
Android(choose flavor) Standard Samsung Class 2 Card $199

Want 32GB on iPhone, cost another $100
Android, 32GB card $60 right?
But a Class 2 or 4 card from Walmart or Bestbuy wont ever be as fast and stable as an internal memory setup.

Like saying you can upgrade your pc storage way cheaper than paying for new internal hard drive install.
Yes, you can buy 1TB drive external for $99, storage solved
But it wont ever be as good as a hard wired internal TB drive. Try transferring huge files to a 1TB USB 2.0........and that's better than transfer speeds of micro SD

So heres where Im going with this.
For not much more, you get a phone with the memory you need.....but top of the and stable, designed for the iPhone to work correctly

These Class 2 32GB cards from Walmart 90% of people tend to put in, do not work as well.
Ive had 2 Android phones with 2 different Class 10 Micro cards and they still lock up in gallery and cards fail
Its been proven when the Micro Cards are pushed they dont hold up
Then the phone gets blamed when its really just the card.

So yes, technically, you can have massive amounts of storage on tap for little $$
But the saying "You get what you pay for" didn't just happen for sake of making a catch line.
Apple has taken the line of internal memory is fastest stable way. Its Top Line. No arguing it. As is the phones.
This isnt to say that everyone will experience the issue of cards failing or freezing.....but I did twice and many others have too.
A friend with an HTC cant video past 50 seconds in HD with anything other than a 16GB Class 8 card. For some reason 4 different cards all cause video to shutdown and hangup
It is what it is.
Looking at it the way Apple would, they don't want to take a chance on risking customers opting for crap cards. Cause they will and usually do, then Apple gets bad name from user experience etc.
Very few people have discipline enough to ignore the cheapest price and opt for better quality at higher price....except here, no micro card can compare Apples internal memory.
Many of website has confirmed the bigger faster the card the more issues arise.
So if I were needing to go to 32gb and cost was $60 for best card on market
It still isnt as good as internal. If they made one as good Id have bought it, but they dont.
So even if someone offered it, for say $100....32gb Class 98 suspersonic titanium micro card , just spend 100 on the bigger iPhone and its done.

Also, the Galaxy III isn't all isnt cracked up to be. As OP has, 2 friends got sick of Apple. They bought in day 1 of iPhone going all way through to 4s and got bored with the same style yada yada.
This huge Galaxy III came and wowed them. They switched. It was bliss for about 3 months then the complaining started.
Now both are done and waiting for the iPhone 5 to go back.
Yes screen is huge and theres widgets, but it gets old when the phone causes so many headaches....
Ones exact statement was, "Man, the screen is huge.....but it freezes up so much and chews battery so fast all the reasons i switched to it have worn off" , "Im just ready for a phone that just works again"

Id never say leave, if you want a different phone, knock yourself out. Doesn't effect me one way or another. Itd actually make it easier for those of us to obtain a 5.
But this forum is about opinions, both sides of the coin and Ive seen both so here it is.


macrumors 68040
Sep 16, 2008
Del Mar, CA
Widgets. Seem dumb. What's the purpose.

The same purpose lockscreen notification and pull down notifications have. Instant access to information.

Let me guess. Lockscreen notifications and pull down notifications are dumb also.

Kris B..

macrumors member
Jun 10, 2008
Playing devils advocate here on this one.
Yes, you can get a bigger card cheap to make your phone a 32GB or 64GB.
But lets look at it Apples to pun intended.

iPhone 4s "Internal" 16gb $199
Android(choose flavor) Standard Samsung Class 2 Card $199

Want 32GB on iPhone, cost another $100
Android, 32GB card $60 right?
But a Class 2 or 4 card from Walmart or Bestbuy wont ever be as fast and stable as an internal memory setup.

Like saying you can upgrade your pc storage way cheaper than paying for new internal hard drive install.
Yes, you can buy 1TB drive external for $99, storage solved
But it wont ever be as good as a hard wired internal TB drive. Try transferring huge files to a 1TB USB 2.0........and that's better than transfer speeds of micro SD

So heres where Im going with this.
For not much more, you get a phone with the memory you need.....but top of the and stable, designed for the iPhone to work correctly

These Class 2 32GB cards from Walmart 90% of people tend to put in, do not work as well.
Ive had 2 Android phones with 2 different Class 10 Micro cards and they still lock up in gallery and cards fail
Its been proven when the Micro Cards are pushed they dont hold up
Then the phone gets blamed when its really just the card.

So yes, technically, you can have massive amounts of storage on tap for little $$
But the saying "You get what you pay for" didn't just happen for sake of making a catch line.
Apple has taken the line of internal memory is fastest stable way. Its Top Line. No arguing it. As is the phones.
This isnt to say that everyone will experience the issue of cards failing or freezing.....but I did twice and many others have too.
A friend with an HTC cant video past 50 seconds in HD with anything other than a 16GB Class 8 card. For some reason 4 different cards all cause video to shutdown and hangup
It is what it is.
Looking at it the way Apple would, they don't want to take a chance on risking customers opting for crap cards. Cause they will and usually do, then Apple gets bad name from user experience etc.
Very few people have discipline enough to ignore the cheapest price and opt for better quality at higher price....except here, no micro card can compare Apples internal memory.
Many of website has confirmed the bigger faster the card the more issues arise.
So if I were needing to go to 32gb and cost was $60 for best card on market
It still isnt as good as internal. If they made one as good Id have bought it, but they dont.
So even if someone offered it, for say $100....32gb Class 98 suspersonic titanium micro card , just spend 100 on the bigger iPhone and its done.

Also, the Galaxy III isn't all isnt cracked up to be. As OP has, 2 friends got sick of Apple. They bought in day 1 of iPhone going all way through to 4s and got bored with the same style yada yada.
This huge Galaxy III came and wowed them. They switched. It was bliss for about 3 months then the complaining started.
Now both are done and waiting for the iPhone 5 to go back.
Yes screen is huge and theres widgets, but it gets old when the phone causes so many headaches....
Ones exact statement was, "Man, the screen is huge.....but it freezes up so much and chews battery so fast all the reasons i switched to it have worn off" , "Im just ready for a phone that just works again"

Id never say leave, if you want a different phone, knock yourself out. Doesn't effect me one way or another. Itd actually make it easier for those of us to obtain a 5.
But this forum is about opinions, both sides of the coin and Ive seen both so here it is.

Never would have thought of it that way as I have 0 first hand experience with android and smartphone sd card storage. Good points


macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2010
It always starts with "I'm an apple fan, but apple is not up to standard now, yadah-yadahh..." brings in other android or SG3 comparison. You definitely have the right to express your opinion, so do the rest of us. This is a forum for apple lovers. If you post something like this, expect to get bashed a little.

If you don't like or no longer feel that apple suits your need, move on to something else. If you think SG3 is better, then buy that.

OP has been waiting for 3 years for something better. Provided that all the leaks are true, get something else, OP. If you still insist on getting the new iPhone, you only have yourself to blame. You know you're going to be disappointed, but you still buy it. It's time to move on.


macrumors 68000
Aug 9, 2011
£700 = $1120

I know its almost the price of a entry level iMac / MBP / MBA :eek:

Who you with btw to get £30 unlimited data?

Yeah, i bought my 4s unlocked for 1200 :( it was the 64gb model, ive seen 16gb models at 23k dop around here (Around 550 usd) and not even unlocked, i think i will just travel to US next time and visit the family while buying my next iphone lol sounds


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2011
hell I may just buy 5 of them this year just because I can.

Could you shoot me one? :p

I'd love to try the S3, but can't justify the hassle or cost if I don't like it and decide to stick with an iPhone and get the 5.


macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2010
Yeah, i bought my 4s unlocked for 1200 :( it was the 64gb model, ive seen 16gb models at 23k dop around here (Around 550 usd) and not even unlocked, i think i will just travel to US next time and visit the family while buying my next iphone lol sounds

$1200 for the 64GB? And I thought mine is a rip-off. Over here in Indonesia, it's about $1000++. No official apple store here, just an authorised reseller.
I think they made a comparison of apple prices worldwide, and I believe Hong Kong has the cheapest one. Soo.. if you get the chance to go, you can buy it there.


macrumors regular
Aug 5, 2012
Playing devils advocate here on this one.
Yes, you can get a bigger card cheap to make your phone a 32GB or 64GB.
But lets look at it Apples to pun intended...... is.

I don't push cards to the limits though, all that would be on my card is music and photos. The class 2 cards are plenty enough to load standards songs and stuff.

I really want an iPhone, don't get me wrong, they're awesome phones, hence why I'm on this website. It's just not feasible for my budget to be able to allow me to buy a big enough iPhone for my music and photo taking needs. Hence why the Galaxy S is looking awesome. I especially fell in love with it when I got to use one this past weekend.

Maybe your friends are picky, but I've been stuck on a crappy 3 year old samsung basic phone with no internet and like 1MB internal storage, so anything will be an upgrade, it just happens to be an Android phone will be taking it's place instead of an iPhone.


macrumors 68000
Aug 9, 2011
$1200 for the 64GB? And I thought mine is a rip-off. Over here in Indonesia, it's about $1000++. No official apple store here, just an authorised reseller.
I think they made a comparison of apple prices worldwide, and I believe Hong Kong has the cheapest one. Soo.. if you get the chance to go, you can buy it there.

1000 is a fair price i will say :D atleast for me, but yeah i think i will just take a break and travel when i buy my next iphone lol


macrumors 68000
Aug 9, 2011
I don't push cards to the limits though, all that would be on my card is music and photos. The class 2 cards are plenty enough to load standards songs and stuff.

I really want an iPhone, don't get me wrong, they're awesome phones, hence why I'm on this website. It's just not feasible for my budget to be able to allow me to buy a big enough iPhone for my music and photo taking needs. Hence why the Galaxy S is looking awesome. I especially fell in love with it when I got to use one this past weekend.

Maybe your friends are picky, but I've been stuck on a crappy 3 year old samsung basic phone with no internet and like 1MB internal storage, so anything will be an upgrade, it just happens to be an Android phone will be taking it's place instead of an iPhone.

Hey have you consider cloud services ? Theres a lot of apps that let you stream music that you upload, i have a friend that uses one that syncs with dropbox.


macrumors regular
Aug 5, 2012
Hey have you consider cloud services ? Theres a lot of apps that let you stream music that you upload, i have a friend that uses one that syncs with dropbox.

Does dropbox/cloud use up data plans to access songs in the cloud, if so it won't be very practical, because I listen to TONS of music a day and I would quickly use up my data plan :/


macrumors member
Jun 18, 2009
san diego
"I'm just waiting for a phone that works again"

This is a major reason I'm switching back to the iPhone. I got a htc evo 4g when it first came out and loved it for a good 6 months. The screen size and turn by turn nav is the main reasons I got it. I realize it's over two years old but all of a sudden hardly anything works when I'm not in my apartments wifi. I've tried a lot of things to fix it, nothing seems to be working. I've had my apple PowerBook for 8 years and it's still pretty good, my iPod classic for 2 years, another classic that is 6 years old and it's running good besides battery, shuffle that's 3-4 years old, and a newish iPad 2 thats working iOS 6 will have turn by turn, the quality and reliability of apples hardware and software and quality apps are the reasons I'm picking the new iPhone. The smaller screen and custom home screens are the only two drawbacks that I will have but just as just seeing icons for the iPhone gets boring, so do the widgets for android


macrumors 6502a
Oct 8, 2008
I remember watching an interview with SJ in which he stated that Apple strives hard to "surprise and delight" its customers. I remember thinking "yeah, they definitely achieve that."

I have to say though that I haven't been surprised or delighted with the iPhone since the debut of the iPhone 4's Retina display.

I hope they have an ace up their sleeve. I miss being surprised and delighted.


macrumors 601
Oct 14, 2007
Because samsung arn't interested in ripping us off!!!...a 64gb 4S is £700 here in the UK...ridiculous!!!! S3 cost me nothing and £30 a month all you can use, better phone, better price, cant see the next isheep being any better than the S3, but im sure the lemmings will follow....:rolleyes:

£700 is for unlocked or pay as you go.

The s3 cost you quote is for a pay monthly contract so where is the connection.

Buying the s3 is still in the £500 category for unlocked or pay as you go.
In essence the s3 is subsidised because of getting it on a contract which is recouped through a pay monthly contract so its not really "free"

Im no fanboy or isheep in any way and have chosen the iPhone and ios because they do what they do very well.

£700 is a lot of money to pay out up front but if you got this iphone on a contract like the s3 then it would be similar apart from the expandable memory slot the s3 has.

Due to my personal usage the 16gb is ample storage and am ok with the £500 cost as i prefer not to be locked into a long contract.


macrumors member
Aug 7, 2007
I remember watching an interview with SJ in which he stated that Apple strives hard to "surprise and delight" its customers. I remember thinking "yeah, they definitely achieve that."

I have to say though that I haven't been surprised or delighted with the iPhone since the debut of the iPhone 4's Retina display.

I hope they have an ace up their sleeve. I miss being surprised and delighted.

Totally agree. Retina display was the last big innovation and that was 2 years ago on a phone so while a lot of people are pretty happy where Apple is going, those of us who want to see innovation which sets the hardware and software apart from competitors have been left in the dark lately.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 8, 2008
Just switch to Andriod.

No one here cares.

And no one cares to see a photo of your chubby face and creepy smile as your avatar, and yet there it is. On every post.

Sometimes people say and do things we don't like. It's part of being in an open, free society. Personally, I don't care what 99% of people have to say on here but I'm not going to go out of my way to tell them that. Why? Because it's rude.

See how that works?
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macrumors regular
Apr 21, 2010
Manchester - UK
the fact that this phone will likely have 4G LTE is enough to make me excited. Everything else is bonus :0

I agree that 4G LTE will be great, i just hope it's not a big selling point/advert for apple as the same happened last year with Siri and only within the next few days will it become fully functional in the UK.

4G LTE is i'm sure some time off before being fully rolled out on all UK network providers. A shame that the big upgrade features are geographically dependant.
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