I keep seeing people wanting 3-4 gigs of ram... IN this day and age we can get MEMORY cards and usb sticks with a 512gb and bigger (yep... they've got 1tb cards in the works) on them that are barely big enough to hook the connector to... I'm all for at least a 16 gb version of ram in all these machines... the cost couldn't be all that big of a factor... yeah... I know RAM and sticks and cards are different in their structure (electronically) but geeze... 3 gb of ram in todays world is still silly numbers. I don't believe there are any power problems or restrictions involved in it either. although I could be wrong??? Even with a quality piece of silicon to be added to the machines, the prices should not reflect a new car as they do with doubling the usable memory on iProducts. I am OK with the price of a quality machine, but the additional memory costs on Apple are ludicrous almost always.