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:eek: there must some kind of infringement going on here. this is nothing more than a copy of a patented technology. um...Apple did patent it, right? oh man, even the name. that's BAD.
The thing is windows doesn't really need expose as much as Mac OS X does because its easier to navigate a large amount of windows and minimize a whole group... but oh well.
Originally posted by ZildjianKX
The thing is windows doesn't really need expose as much as Mac OS X does because its easier to navigate a large amount of windows and minimize a whole group... but oh well.

you must be talking about XP; 'cause 2000 sucks at window management...i may have top pick this up for work. ;)

Originally posted by ZildjianKX
The thing is windows doesn't really need expose as much as Mac OS X does because its easier to navigate a large amount of windows and minimize a whole group... but oh well.


For me the whole point of expose is that now I _don't_ have to minimize windows I am using to find things, which is what XP forces me to do.
Good news for Apple, I posted this in a Windows forum, people were very exceited...until they tried it :eek: On very well spec'd PC's it sucks, the animation is awful, 4/5 fps max!

Quartz Extreme > * :D
Originally posted by manitoubalck
P.S: edesignuk Where do you get those emoticons from?
[off topic]
My own little private collection that I add to as an when I see them, upload them to my own web space then use tags ;)
[/off topic]
stuff expose for windoze - I want Expose for Jaguar! Anyone done this yet?

And I do agree - Windoze does have easier navigation of open apps. I also reckon it's file management/navigation is heaps better than OSX.

But they're the ONLY two things windoze does better than OSX
Originally posted by ChrisH3677

And I do agree - Windoze does have easier navigation of open apps. I also reckon it's file management/navigation is heaps better than OSX.

But they're the ONLY two things windoze does better than OSX

Are we speaking strictly pre-Panther? If so then I agree, Windows barely manages to edge it out.

As of Panther Mac OS X leapfrogged Windows on both those points.
**** that

Oh my oh my oh my. This was one of the features of panther I showed over and over to every single person I knew. This was one of the single best eye candy (and useful) features of Mac OS X. To use it was a privillage that you get when you dumped microsoft for apple. But now, I feel cheated, and embarrased, and naked. I love sharing expose with fellow mac users, but to allow it to run on windows...that just kills me.

Apple legal forced down the websites hosting the dock copy... and this exposé copy is way better, even the setting window is the same, so i wonder how long before they get sued or forced to shot down. did anyone send this to apple legal yet?

apple put a stop to Yzdock for windows (i think that's what it was)... which was almost exactly like the OS X dock, except had some extra features.

this being an exact ripoff of exposé will be shut down as soon as apple legal sends a notice.

i do like the girl in the santa hat in the demo though :D
Well, if that Apple legal team didn't know about it before, they do now. I just sent a helpful e-mail.

Of course this rip off could be within legal limits, but I would sure like to see it get into a lawsuit. I've never seen such blatant copying.
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