First of all, I just bought a Macbook two days ago (and yes I absolutely love it).
The thing is, I'm on a 56K dial-up connection, and I didn't realize that I would have to purchase an extra little dongly thing in order to connect to the net.
Within five minutes of turning on my computer for the first time, however, I launched something called Dashboard, and since this program provided me with the current outdoor temperature, and a five day forecast for my area, I realized that my Macbook, completely of its own accord, must've connected itself to the net (I love the way that my computer somehow knew that I live in Vancouver, Canada, and so provided me with a weather forecast for that area!)
It must be the case that I'm picking up the signal either from my next door neighbor (I don't know this person - so, no, I'm not going to ask him if he owns Mac) or from the private elementary school across the street.
I'm assuming that this isn't going to last, right? I mean, somebody is probably going to figure out that I'm using their signal, and then cut me off?
Anyhow, having spent the past six years on a dial-up connection, I am stunned - I mean, stunned - at how fast this connection is (I had no idea that I was living in the dark ages). Simply put, there's no going back. And of course the freedom to surf the net from virtually any location within my home is incredibly satisfying.
I visited the Apple website to find out what kind of hardware I need in order to connect my Macbook to a wireless connection and discovered that there are two base stations available, the EXPRESS base sation, which costs US $129, and the EXTREME base station, which costs $199.
What's the difference between these?
Also, is there anyway I can find out (short of asking folks in my neighborhood) where, exactly, I'm picking up this signal from? I have to admit, this is pretty damned cool - I feel like a player in a spy novel!
The thing is, I'm on a 56K dial-up connection, and I didn't realize that I would have to purchase an extra little dongly thing in order to connect to the net.
Within five minutes of turning on my computer for the first time, however, I launched something called Dashboard, and since this program provided me with the current outdoor temperature, and a five day forecast for my area, I realized that my Macbook, completely of its own accord, must've connected itself to the net (I love the way that my computer somehow knew that I live in Vancouver, Canada, and so provided me with a weather forecast for that area!)
It must be the case that I'm picking up the signal either from my next door neighbor (I don't know this person - so, no, I'm not going to ask him if he owns Mac) or from the private elementary school across the street.
I'm assuming that this isn't going to last, right? I mean, somebody is probably going to figure out that I'm using their signal, and then cut me off?
Anyhow, having spent the past six years on a dial-up connection, I am stunned - I mean, stunned - at how fast this connection is (I had no idea that I was living in the dark ages). Simply put, there's no going back. And of course the freedom to surf the net from virtually any location within my home is incredibly satisfying.
I visited the Apple website to find out what kind of hardware I need in order to connect my Macbook to a wireless connection and discovered that there are two base stations available, the EXPRESS base sation, which costs US $129, and the EXTREME base station, which costs $199.
What's the difference between these?
Also, is there anyway I can find out (short of asking folks in my neighborhood) where, exactly, I'm picking up this signal from? I have to admit, this is pretty damned cool - I feel like a player in a spy novel!