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I have a similar issue. I have a 2010 MBA running 10.8 and the network drives disconnect during sleep when running off of battery power. I don't get any error message though---the drives are just gone. This didn't happen in 10.7.

I haven't done any testing on this issue. I don't know if the same would happen if the drives were directly connected to the computer. I just notice that in the morning my mounted drives are gone if the computer was sleeping on battery power throughout the night. This doesn't happen if it is plugged in to power.

NEW MacPro running OS 10.8.2 with two external Sata drives via PCI CalDigit USB3 Adapter... same issue. Both drives eject on sleep and don't remount.

Very annoying defect... any fixes
NEW MacPro running OS 10.8.2 with two external Sata drives via PCI CalDigit USB3 Adapter... same issue. Both drives eject on sleep and don't remount.

Very annoying defect... any fixes

No fixes. Please report to apple.
So have we decided that the USB ports on the MBP shut down on sleep and refuse to wake? I have an issue with a wireless USB mouse that simply won't work after waking the MBP up until the USB dongle is removed and reinserted.

Any workaround, or report to :apple: and hope for a fix?
Just found this thread. I have the same problems on a 2008 MB and a 2010 MB using a dual drive dock. I found an app to ping the drives every 60 seconds so they never sleep but once either Mac goes to sleep, the drives spin down and upon waking either Mac, the dock never wakes the drives up.

It does work correctly with a regular drive enclosure. I noticed someone else in this thread mention a dock.

The 2008 MB is on Lion while the 2010 is on ML.
Same problem here, new imac 2012. My external hdd usb 3.0 drives do not seem to eject at sleep and do not remiunt nicely. I always get the red exclamation mark dialog box telling there was an ejection problem
So there are really 2 issues here:

1. Drives done eject properly on sleep. This can be resolved using a app called Jettison.

2. Drives connected through a USB 3.0 hub will eject on sleep but will not reappear when the computer wakes. Turns out that despite the assurances from the hub manufacturer (plugable for one), the new VIA VL811 chipset was not working properly and requires newer firmware (which is not easily applied on a MAC). Force the vendor to swap out your hub.
Any further developments on this bug?

I continue to get "disk ejected improperly...blah blah" after sleep and cannot re mount it.

Using ML on MBPretina, 16g memory. Only one partition on USB3 on 2tb WD essentials HD.
iTunes on external

I have a 2Tb external drive that handles sleep on my mac mini fine.

I use a 6TB JBOD raid using USB 3.0 to store my iTunes library externally. When the computer sleeps, iTunes freaks out and I get all these "itunes can't be saved errors".

This didn't happen before when it was a 3TB seagate external using USB 3.0 so it must be something with my new drive.

Will jettison eject an external drive even if an Application like iTunes is using it?
i think I've solved this problem (worked for me, not had problem since, even ATV stays connected!)

ok this is what i did, in sys prefs. energy saver i just unchecked 'put HD's to sleep when possible' and never had problem since. :):cool:

hope it works for you guys too.
i think I've solved this problem (worked for me, not had problem since, even ATV stays connected!)

ok this is what i did, in sys prefs. energy saver i just unchecked 'put HD's to sleep when possible' and never had problem since. :):cool:

hope it works for you guys too.

Yeah that fixed the problem for my Lacie drive, but my raided 6TB drive still ejects improperly...
Brand new iMac user, with a new 27" iMac. I purchased a Fantom 1.5 TB external to use with TM. I cannot let the computer sleep without the drive disconnecting (and getting the "failed to eject" message. This apparently is a common problem ( No problem at all if I don't let the iMac sleep; everything works perfectly. I tried the drive in my son's Mac Pro running Snow Leopard and the drive did not disconnect after the computer was put to sleep. I have two questions:
1. How bad is it to never let the iMac sleep? (The display sleeps with no problems but not the computer).
2. I noticed when I clicked the "sleep" option on my son's Mac Pro it took about 20 seconds for the screen to shut down; on my iMac the screen goes black immediately. Is that normal behavior?

According to several people, including some in this thread, this is a bug in ML, but everyone doesn't seem to be experiencing it. Suggestions?
Brand new iMac user, with a new 27" iMac. I purchased a Fantom 1.5 TB external to use with TM. I cannot let the computer sleep without the drive disconnecting (and getting the "failed to eject" message. This apparently is a common problem ( No problem at all if I don't let the iMac sleep; everything works perfectly. I tried the drive in my son's Mac Pro running Snow Leopard and the drive did not disconnect after the computer was put to sleep. I have two questions:
1. How bad is it to never let the iMac sleep? (The display sleeps with no problems but not the computer).
2. I noticed when I clicked the "sleep" option on my son's Mac Pro it took about 20 seconds for the screen to shut down; on my iMac the screen goes black immediately. Is that normal behavior?

According to several people, including some in this thread, this is a bug in ML, but everyone doesn't seem to be experiencing it. Suggestions?

I have this same question... How bad is it to NEVER let my Mac Mini go to sleep?

Cause this is what i am doing to solve the problem too.
As opposed to starting another thread, I'm sure somebody can answer the question how harmful it may be to leave your Mac on 24/7 with only the display sleeping?
Possible solution....maybe

After dealing with the Micronet support system (which is very good), I got this reply today. My suspicion is that the same situation is true for other fact, it's likely since they are just boxing other people's drives.

"I apologize for the delay in response. We've now replicated the issue, which appears to affect Macs with native USB 3. We will have new firmware to fix this issue begin testing within the next week; Would you like to receive the beta?"
I had this problem and Jettison (1,79€ App Store) solved it!
As best i can tell, Jettison just ejects the drive before the computer goes to sleep. After ejected it can't backup. Jettison would not have helped my problem.
This was 100% the fault of the USB 3 hub I was using (Plugable). A firmware update resolved the issue but it took them 6 months to admit it was NOT Mountain Lion.

My drives now eject properly, and reattach on wake.
It seems like a lot of drive and hub makers have not been accurate as to how to get their products to successfully interact with the Mac USB 3.0 bus. If you're having problems contact the manufacturer. That's two of us that have had this happen.
I had the problem of when my Macbook Pro went to sleep with two FW 800 Drives Daisy Chained and a Thunderbolt Raid attached, when I woke it up it gave me the "these drives have not been ejected properly" type warning.

Being a bit old school I zapped the PRAM (Now called VRAM) et Voila!!

Everything is now working tickity boo

Worth a shot people!

Resetting NVRAM / PRAM
Shut down your Mac.
Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command (⌘), Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
Turn on the computer.
Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys before the gray screen appears.
Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
Release the keys.
I had the problem of when my Macbook Pro went to sleep with two FW 800 Drives Daisy Chained and a Thunderbolt Raid attached, when I woke it up it gave me the "these drives have not been ejected properly" type warning.

Being a bit old school I zapped the PRAM (Now called VRAM) et Voila!!

Everything is now working tickity boo

Worth a shot people!

Resetting NVRAM / PRAM
Shut down your Mac.
Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command (⌘), Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
Turn on the computer.
Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys before the gray screen appears.
Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
Release the keys.

The issue here is old and could not be fixed by a reset when it was occurring. The hubs are now 8 months down the road and have been updated.

Plugable, the folks I got mine from, swore it was Apple. Apple, could find no issue and 8 months later, plugable admits it was the firmware from their manufacturer.

What's annoying is it took them 8 months, and only fessed up when pressed on their blog.

Despite this, they sell a good USB hub, though they did not design or manufacture it.
Possible Solution

Brand new iMac user, with a new 27" iMac. I purchased a Fantom 1.5 TB external to use with TM. I cannot let the computer sleep without the drive disconnecting (and getting the "failed to eject" message. This apparently is a common problem ( No problem at all if I don't let the iMac sleep; everything works perfectly. I tried the drive in my son's Mac Pro running Snow Leopard and the drive did not disconnect after the computer was put to sleep. I have two questions:
1. How bad is it to never let the iMac sleep? (The display sleeps with no problems but not the computer).
2. I noticed when I clicked the "sleep" option on my son's Mac Pro it took about 20 seconds for the screen to shut down; on my iMac the screen goes black immediately. Is that normal behavior?

According to several people, including some in this thread, this is a bug in ML, but everyone doesn't seem to be experiencing it. Suggestions?


I have a new (late 2012) 27" iMac, and I was experiencing the issue that many of you have reported, with hard drive disconnects each time my machine went to sleep, and the 'improperly ejected' messages as soon as it woke up. My primary external drive is a WD MyBook 3TB unit that I use for Time Machine backups. As a temporarily solution, I changed the settings so that my iMac never went to sleep. While this worked, I never intended it to be the final answer.

I was able to finally resolve the issue by replacing my USB3 hub. I had been using a Lacie USB3 powered hub from a few years ago. After reading a little about these devices, it seems that many of the vendors have followed different standards over the years, so one hub may not actually behave the way another one will (or the way that the actual standard requires).

I purchased the Belkin 4-port USB3 hub that is sold at the Apple store. Since making this change, I have not experienced the problem again. I have literally put my iMac to sleep *many* times just to prove that the problem is really solved. Now, when it goes to sleep, the hub and drives shut down, as expected (all of the lights on the hub shut off). When the iMac returns from sleep, the hub reactivates (all the lights turn back on) a moment before the iMac comes back to life, and the hard drives are visible and ready to use. I have had no further disconnect messages.

I thought I'd let people know about my particular experience. Hopefully, it will help at least a few of you out there...
After a long go around with the vendor who assured many of us their usb 3.0 hub was fine, it turned out to be the firmware in the usb hub. (Plugable hub)

I will be its the interface on the drive that is the issue.
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