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macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2022
Longtime Mac user, never had any problems til the iPhone 13 came out. The screen looked so sharp, and yet it was like I couldn't get my eyeballs to "land" on it. Always felt like I was looking a little through it, and it gave me near-immediate eye-burning forehead headaches. I went with the SE, but noticed turning off ProMotion and locking refresh really seemed to help on 13s in store.

Now, I'm getting that again with my new Air M2, hooked to a Dell Ultrasharp 2723QE. The same monitor hooked to my old '15 MBP is fine.

I saw there were other threads on this here, and I've tried it all. I've got it set to an RGB color profile. I've messed with the scaling. I've futzed with True Tone and transparency. I've installed Iris and messed with some settings htere. I've turned off the font smoothing with third party apps. And I've switched to DarkMode.

It's better than originally, but in now way comfortable for the daily use I'm planning on. I don't know how to downgrade OS but that's what I'm thinking next.

I'm also not opposed to upgrading monitors, if that would help. If I have to get the Apple Display, then I (sigh) do. I'm not made of money, but I use my computer hard. It needs to be right.

Anyone cracked this? I'm thinking it's dithering...maybe something else? I also had it with a MBP 14" hooked up to my Dell.

My optometrist told me I need bifocals from now on. I’m a 40something…. Perhaps?


macrumors newbie
Jan 21, 2024
I don’t own a Mac anymore but eager to see if this fixes the problem for folks that do.
(FYI, in terms of internal laptop displays, it's only known to fully work on the Airs [LCD devices], not the Pros that use miniLED/XDR displays.

So don't be surprised if it doesn't improve e.g. an M3 MacBook Pro.

However, I'm really looking forward to seeing what people with M1/M2/M3 Airs get out of this app!)
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macrumors 68040
Dec 14, 2010
Have any of you tried a blue screen filter by any chance?
Sorry - just skimmed over posts so could have been mentioned already - but someone at work has an issue with her monitor and she purchased a blue screen filter. First I have heard of it but it can be used to block 90% of harmful blue light emissions from your computer screen, which can cause insomnia, eye strain, headaches, dry eyes and blurry vision. It's like a big screen protector film for your monitor!
May be worth a shot?


macrumors 65816
Mar 8, 2020
Here you go:



macrumors newbie
Dec 11, 2021
Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
I was told by an optometrist that anyone over 40 that does not wear glasses is deluding themself. ;)
Interesting. Was told by honest optometrist that all those blue light glasses is a total ********. And the moment I have mentioned temporal dithering and PWM, she knew very well what I was talking about. I was even surprised, I asked again do you really know technical things such as temporal dithering and she confirmed yes. Also, she mentioned that many people come and ask for help, but all those blue light glasses are only placebo effect and red light filter within software has exactly the same effect. So, if you do need correction glasses, sure - go for it. But if you do not, do not waste your momey. Best possible solution I can think of now is - use stillcolor app, disable dithering and log in through some other machine remotely. But for me this is super inconvenient. I still hope apple will get their act together at some point.
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