Possibly try removing it and reinstalling it.
No problems to report (knock on wood) so far w/my 3g JB, and I didn't restart the phone prior to using FB.
I have a iPhone 2G 3.0 on T-Mobile jailbroken too and it runs perfectly fine.
Another Update-
My GF which also got the new Facebook crashes when she trys to open my Profile on her iPhone!!! Can anybody here please test that? Add me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/yarilmoni
I would greatly appreciate it!
I had some issues with FBapp in the past, it would crash or not load on my iPhone. My wall also would not update on my wifes iPhone. What I found was that there were some posts on my wall that had some strange characters in them, there would be my post but at the end of it there would be these 3 or 4 odd looking characters at the ends of the words. They looked like little boxes with numbers inside them.They wouldn't show up in the FB App, only when viewed on the PC. Once I deleted these posts everything was fine. I never found out what they were but it happened to a friend also, once she deleted those posts her wall came back.
Look over all your wall posts ON THE COMPUTER for anything odd. I also heard that if there are any long posts that those might cause the iPhone app to be buggy.
Why is it only me then? I have reinstalled it, restarted, safe mode, everything and still crashing! OMG. Well, I just sent Saurik a email, maybe he will understand me![]()
I see!!! Thanks for the tip! Am going to the computer right to check it!!!
EDIT: I found the little boxes! I am pretty sure those were Emoji Emoticons! I deleted them off my wall on my computer and now my profile is working perfectly on my iPhone! Thank you so much man!!