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macrumors 68030
Jul 4, 2012
What happens if face ID doesn't really work reliably. If people remember Touch ID didn't at first but back then we only used it to unlock phone and were used to putting in code. Now if application sign-in, apple pay, etc. were not reliable because of new phone etc. it would be a disaster for Apple.
One of the reasons I'm going to wait a while rather than be a first day person


macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2012
I remember reading that one of the front cameras used for facial recognition was an infrared camera, this would be able to detect heat so should prevent someone unlocking your phone with a picture.

There will never be a really secure method, a pin number on its own isn't secure. I never leave my phone out on a table unless Im at home, its always in my pocket if I'm not using it.

With find my iPhone I can remotely brick the device so I'm not too worried about phone theft. I don't use Apple Pay or have any Cards stored on my iPhone, I would like two-factor authentication for keychain access though.
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