Yeah, when I went to the store that's what they said, but then after that, someone else at Apple decided that they did want it back.
I got that mysterious phone call from the blocked number before I listed it on ebay, where he claimed to be from Apple, but didn't give me a name or contact info, but said he'd contact me within 3 hours.
He didn't get back to me within the stated time so I took it that he wasn't with Apple, so I went ahead and listed it, but that is why I made it a 10 day, just in case Apple did want it back.
He did call back later and gave me contact info and over a period of time we were able to get it all worked out.
I just wish that they'd been able to tell me when I was at the store (and they did call someone at corporate), that they did want it back, because that would have saved a lot of time and trouble.