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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains

Economy model series, six episodes. Two episodes in. The opening sequence was far fetched enough that it did not really engage me. Wyatt Russell (Lodge 49 if you were a fan) plays the new Captain America without super powers based on genetic manipulation. Is it needless to say both Falcon and Bucky have an issue with him?

This is the second Marvel series that I have watched that reflects the post End Game World. The threat is a group, if I got it right who liked it better before all those people returned from Thanos-induced oblivion. Flagsmashers, one world, no borders or something like that being executed by super soldiers, to bring the world to a state of anarchy... maybe? Well, I only have to watch 4 more episodes to see what happens. ;)


Jul 18, 2011
Finding the show a little slow moving. Feels like they had enough material for a 2 hour film and then resorted to padding it with 4 hours of filler. Seems like we are averaging one big action scene per episode and then a ton of talking. Not that I don’t enjoy the interaction between the two main leads, and the editing is tight enough that the episode often ends before I feel bored. But then I look back and go “that’s it”?
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macrumors regular
Aug 27, 2008
I’m not sold yet and wasn’t entirely engaged. When more come out I’ll probably go back and rewatch.

Wandavison was a little like that, but it was more intriguing and I guess quirky.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Ep2- Falcon jumps on a USAF C-130 and flies to Germany to check out a terrorist group called Flag Smashers who wants things to return to the way they were during “the blip”. Bucky tags along and they discover Super Soldiers.

The new Captain America wants to work with F&WS but they tell him, that he has to get permission while they are free agents. Really? I’m not clear on what kind of relationship F&WS have with the US Govt.

What is Disney trying to pull?
Ep3- This seems expedited, short changed, the outline of a story ... Bucky breaks out Baron Zemo (Avengers: Civil War), he has his jet waiting, and they walk into a vipers pit, and the story goes down hill rapidly, at least imo. This abbreviated, rushed TV feel is really undermining the lead characters, maybe the franchise.

Think I’m out and I’m really disappointed with the content. Note, I happily made it through Wandavision.

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macrumors 603
Feb 7, 2011
Well I hesitated but am glad I didn't start this and let my Disney+ subscription lapse. I enjoyed Wandavision as it was quite different.
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macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
Hmmm...I understand the criticisms, but I appreciate the story they are telling with Sam and Bucky. After the events of the past year, the showrunner is handling things in a way that isn’t preachy and sets up why Sam’s decision is taking so long to come to fruition.

Now, I find the FlagSmashers to be entirely useless as villains because you’ve got other baddies here

John Walker, the GRC and Zemo.

I also liked the character building as Sam has had very little, and Falcon is a great character. Always happy to see more growth for Bucky too.

That said, I will be completely fine with
Zemo’s desire of no more super soldiers in the MCU after this show. Bucky has had a full storyline and how much more can you do with the serums at this point?

I‘m there for the Hawkeye series, and may watch Loki after it airs and some of the What If...? cartoon, but I’m psyched for Moon Knight and more supernatural/horror content in the MCU. MK is my jam.

@Huntn F&TWS are free agents because 1) the govt just pardoned Buck for his crimes as the WS and they want to make sure he doesn’t go sour again
(Ironically, the govt pick for Cap has though)
, and 2) Falcon was blipped for five years.


macrumors 65816
We’re down to one episode left. There’s either going to be a massive payoff or a massive letdown. Like WandaVision, this series has been a bit of a slow burn, though the pace has picked up over 4 & 5.

Does it bother anyone else when a big star (Julia Louise Dreyfus) is introduced in a bit part at the the end of part 5 of 6? Curious.


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
We’re down to one episode left. There’s either going to be a massive payoff or a massive letdown. Like WandaVision, this series has been a bit of a slow burn, though the pace has picked up over 4 & 5.

Does it bother anyone else when a big star (Julia Louise Dreyfus) is introduced in a bit part at the the end of part 5 of 6? Curious.
JL-D was supposed to be introduced in
the Black Widow movie
, so I am not sure how this will work as far as her character. I am fine with it.

Frankly, they have a lot to wrap up in an hour, but we’ll see. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get more post credit scenes.


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
WandaVision was great, Falcon and the Winter Solider was even better. It was so good that parts of it pissed me off/annoyed me but in a good way - and that part is finding out who Sharon Carter really is.

As a viewer, you find it hard to believe that when a character is part of the blood line that built S.H.I.E.L.D., you wouldn't turn just like that - especially when the viewer knows the connection is Peggy Carter and what and who she is in the MCU. But on the flip side, it doesn't make the writing predicable as it pertains to the Captain America franchise and it's really showing the many consequences from the blip in different ways.

This is making me very, very excited for Loki, and from the trailers, it looks like Marvel/Disney is going 3 for 3.
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macrumors 68030
Aug 15, 2009
I enjoyed it but thought WandaVision was better. I found myself watching Falcon because I thought I should but I kept up with WandaVision because I wanted to, if that makes sense. I saw a video on YouTube explaining how they may have had to cut a big part of the show out. Something about a disease and vaccine, although I'm not sure how much it would have mattered in the overall story. I like the Sam and Bucky characters
and think Sam as the new Captain America is pretty cool. He's like a combination of Captain America and Iron Man now.
Next up is the Loki show and that looks promising.


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
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macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2010
Rock Ridge, California
I enjoyed it but thought WandaVision was better. I found myself watching Falcon because I thought I should but I kept up with WandaVision because I wanted to, if that makes sense. I saw a video on YouTube explaining how they may have had to cut a big part of the show out. Something about a disease and vaccine, although I'm not sure how much it would have mattered in the overall story. I like the Sam and Bucky characters
and think Sam as the new Captain America is pretty cool. He's like a combination of Captain America and Iron Man now.
Next up is the Loki show and that looks promising.
My understanding is that the show is pretty much as they intended. It just got delayed because they filmed the action mostly in Europe when Covid hit. So they had to stop & start.

The pacing issues are pretty much their creation, not related to Covid.

Sam's standing is pretty much from the comics. The costume is dead on.


macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2010
Rock Ridge, California
I enjoyed the show, so I am thrilled for the cast and crew and will see this.
I'm curious where they go, because they directions they took with characters wasn't from the comics.

They are basically operating with a nice clean new slate.

I was really hoping though they would do another series, but 7 episodes. They can learn from their pacing issues from the first, reduce plot lines, and address all the ones they started as well as start new ones. I fear in one movie, things will be very cramped.
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macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
I'm curious where they go, because they directions they took with characters wasn't from the comics.

They are basically operating with a nice clean new slate.

I was really hoping though they would do another series, but 7 episodes. They can learn from their pacing issues from the first, reduce plot lines, and address all the ones they started as well as start new ones. I fear in one movie, things will be very cramped.
I would like another series too and hope they consider that once Captain America 4 is a huge hit. I agree with your nitpicks, but I am so happy with Sam’s path. I knew they would go there, but I am happy. Also, as big fan of Bucky I am delighted his story will continue (Despite me thinking he had a full character story already.)


macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2010
Rock Ridge, California
I would like another series too and hope they consider that once Captain America 4 is a huge hit. I agree with your nitpicks, but I am so happy with Sam’s path. I knew they would go there, but I am happy. Also, as big fan of Bucky I am delighted his story will continue (Despite me thinking he had a full character story already.)
Bucky is an open book from the comics.

In the comics they went with what was alluded to in the movies. That Bucky & Natasha knew each other earlier ( for many of us, it's what we thought Natasha's line referred to in Civil War ), and it carried on. Bucky also had his time as Cap as well. So they can go anywhere with Bucky now, and it's fresh territory. I imagine they will stay together since what sold the Marvel folks initially was the chemistry between Mackie & Stan.



macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2010
Rock Ridge, California
I also forgot there is one other important wrinkle to all of this.

Supposedly Chris Evans has a new Marvel deal or options from his previous deal.

Like in the comics, he may inevitably be back.


macrumors 68030
Aug 15, 2009
My understanding is that the show is pretty much as they intended. It just got delayed because they filmed the action mostly in Europe when Covid hit. So they had to stop & start.

The pacing issues are pretty much their creation, not related to Covid.

Sam's standing is pretty much from the comics. The costume is dead on.
In the first and/or second episode there was the vaccines on the trucks and then there was never more about that. Idk, just some theory. The costume is awesome.


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
Bucky is an open book from the comics.

In the comics they went with what was alluded to in the movies. That Bucky & Natasha knew each other earlier ( for many of us, it's what we thought Natasha's line referred to in Civil War ), and it carried on. Bucky also had his time as Cap as well. So they can go anywhere with Bucky now, and it's fresh territory. I imagine they will stay together since what sold the Marvel folks initially was the chemistry between Mackie & Stan.
?I know about Bucky and the concept for this show. Thanks though.

Buck is my second fave Marvel after Moon Knight (So jazzed about Oscar Isaac playing Marc etc.)). Anyway, I read the Winter Soldier and subsequent storylines as they were released. Never liked the Natasha - Buck angle or Buck as Captain America. Just saying I wouldn’t be upset if Buck did not come back. He will though, so I am sure they’ll come up with something.

One of my nitpicks about the show, is we never saw Bucky deal with anyone else on his amends list besides
that senator, Zemo and Yuri.
That was wrapped up a bit too neat and tidy for me, but whatever.


macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2010
Rock Ridge, California
?I know about Bucky and the concept for this show. Thanks though.

Buck is my second fave Marvel after Moon Knight (So jazzed about Oscar Isaac playing Marc etc.)). Anyway, I read the Winter Soldier and subsequent storylines as they were released. Never liked the Natasha - Buck angle or Buck as Captain America. Just saying I wouldn’t be upset if Buck did not come back. He will though, so I am sure they’ll come up with something.

One of my nitpicks about the show, is we never saw Bucky deal with anyone else on his amends list besides
that senator, Zemo and Yuri.
That was wrapped up a bit too neat and tidy for me, but whatever.
Winter Soldier with the mask is my second favorite, and I want a variation of that. With Sam that is best version of Good cop / Bad cop we could ever see.

I considered the list NOT to be important.

It was the book itself, and the fact that Bucky got it from Steve and carried it around. Letting it and the list go was what was important.

I do need the therapist to stay though.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Giving this a second chance.
  • E1: Helo sequence over the top.
  • E2: Fighting on top of semis, how original. :) I can sympathize with the Flag Smashers perspective. ?
  • E3: Prison escape expedited BS. Quick visit to cyberpunk island. Entrance and escape out of the spider’s web a little too easy and expedited. Holy crap, agent Carter could be Natasha Romanov’s twin sister. :)
  • Someone good is going to get one of those viles of ss potion that’s floating around. ;)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
  • E4: Flag Smashers are not that bad. NuCapAm is annoying, ugly suit, he ain’t no Cap. Liking the Baron.
  • E5: Strong racism victimization themes which I approve of as part of the story.
  • E6: Weak and muddled finale. Flag Smashers fizzle. New Cap, new guy in Cap-like suit, but not Cap.

Ok, I’m up to date. This story by means of expedition was short changed, but it sets the ground work for the next Marvel Cap/WS movie. We did not see CapAm v2 take the ss serum, but based on impressive strength, I assume he did, and what handle does he go by now?
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