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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
As a huge Fallout 4 fan and player, (1400 hrs in-game) I am simultaneously thrilled and terrified. Due for release April 2024. 🤔 Note the game takes place in the Commonwealth (Boston) and this series takes place in Los Angeles. I sincerely wished they had chosen to tell the Fallout 4 Sole Survivor's story, but you can't have everything.

SS, Murphy, Robot.jpg
From the Bethesda Game​

If you want to see some more shots from the game:

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As someone with an obscene number of hours in Fallouts 1, 2, 3, NV, and 4, I'm intensely excited. So much that they've shown in the trailers shows that they're getting the right mix of "the world is boned" and "silly retro futurism is silly" spot on.
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New trailer came out. Can’t wait till April 11

Someone from Westworld is involved, so that is a good sign…
My TV app, TV Time shows it as 9 April, the entire season, 8 episodes drop. 9 or 11, I should know better than get excited by this, plan on dissapointment, and hope to be surprised. 🤔
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S1:E1- The End Excellent, 200 years after nuclear war and a Vault dweller has a reason to climb up into the outside world. Keep in mind, this is based on one of my all time favorite games so I maybe biased. also it takes place after the events of Fallout 4 game so it can tell it’s own story, One thing I’ve not seen, or remember is interconnected vaults, but they easily could be which is a vital element as to why the series starts off as it does.

Set in Los Angeles so far there are 4 elements, Vault Dwellers hiding in their vaults, Raiders (surface dwelling bandits), Brotherhood of Steel (surface dwellers) who seeks to find and preserve technology, hates gouls and synths, although that has not been made evident yet, and a former Hollywood cowboy turned goul. There is a 5th element I’m not really familiar with The Enclave, a fascist organization in charge of much of the post- apocalyptic world. Plus they played one of my favorite Fallout songs from 1960. :)

For anyone who did not follow exactly:
Vault 32 and 33 are connected. Apparantly they don’t or rarely communicate with each other and apparantly they each have their own doors to the surface. A wedding contract between the vaults has 32 providing a breeder (husband) for which 33 trades grain and supplies. However it turns out that 32 was taken over and wiped out by raiders and these people are raiders disguised as Vault 32 inhabitants. Their goal is to raid Vault 33 and take some prisoners. The Vault Overseer (Kyle MacLachlan) is one of the prisoners and his daughter Lucy decides she will go find him out in the World.

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S1:E2- The Target Filly looks just like the town in Fallout 3, was that Megaton? I did not know ghoul’s were not bothered by bullets…Lucy needs to dump that Vault suit.🤔
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There is a 5th element I’m not really familiar with The Enclave, a fascist organization in charge of much of the post- apocalyptic world. Plus they played one of my favorite Fallout songs from 1960. :)
If you've played Fallout 2, you would know about the Enclave.

Anyhow, it ain't Fallout unless they have a ghoul named Harold. He's in practically every Fallout game.🤩
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Observation, not critique, glad the series does not take itself completely seriously, yet it includes graphic violence. In this story apparently gouls need to take an elixer to avoid becoming ferrel.

If you've played Fallout 2, you would know about the Enclave.

Anyhow, it ain't Fallout unless they have a ghoul named Harold. He's in practically every Fallout game.🤩

I don’t remember Harold in Fallout 4, but that does not mean anything… 🤔
Binged the entire first season... loved it! My only complaint is the knight character. He drove me insane throughout the series. Here is hoping season two happens as there is soooooo much they can do with this series.

I agree with @Huntn, they don't take themselves very series and for me that is the charm of the show.
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Found out tonight they made the Pit Boy's in the show from iPhones! They were in some kind of magnetic casing and Ella broke 4 of them 😂, she said because she waves her hands around a lot when taking they would fly off her wrist lol.

Been enjoying the show, I've played some of Fallout 4, the only one I have and today funnily enough, I found out the season pass was on sale so grabbed it so I can get the free PS5 update for the game. I can see why you can put so many hours into it.
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Just finished Season 1. I loved the Fallout 4 (game) story, but this story is absolutely sinister. Looking forward to Season 2. :)

I wonder if Betty Pearson (Vault 33) could be Cooper’s wife? She should be one of Bud’s buds.

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In the show, Cooper’s Wife, an executive in Vault Tech pre-destruction, mentions in a private meeting that a nuclear event was needed to shape their plans for the future of the human race. So was the plot to blow up the world from the game, as described, a plot by Vault Tech to shape the world, or were they just ready to shape the world when the inevitable came? Anyone know if that come from the vaults of Bethesda lore ? Or was it from the shows writers?
Watched the first episode with my family last night. We all agreed to turn it off about half way through it. Didn’t like it.

Never played the game either.
Not completely hooked on the show, think I am 4 or 5 episodes in. Not the complete garbage that Disney has been spitting out, and the show does have entertaining moments. This type of apocalyptic world just does not grip me as others like the walking dead, which I find much easier to believe this is how people would react. I tried the game for Fallout, not sure which one, have the game on PS4. Huge fan of open worlds and did like the style of the game, but again the world just does not hook me in.
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