As a huge Fallout 4 fan and player, (1400 hrs in-game) I am simultaneously thrilled and terrified. Due for release April 2024. 🤔 Note the game takes place in the Commonwealth (Boston) and this series takes place in Los Angeles. I sincerely wished they had chosen to tell the Fallout 4 Sole Survivor's story, but you can't have everything.
If you want to see some more shots from the game:
If you want to see some more shots from the game:
Fallout 4 Discussion
Quick trip down memory lane... Happy at home The old neighborhood Fresh out of the vault...later Commonwealth veteran Meeting Piper outside Diamond City Obtaining Cait's contract at the Combat Zone note: this is a modded appearance Cait.

Everything We Know About the Fallout TV Series
A live-action adaptation of the popular post-apocalyptic video game series arrives in April 2024 on Prime Video, but what can we expect?
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