Update 11/01/07
For the latest Leopard compatible version follow this link...
After following this thread > http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=734247&tstart=0 < for awhile i became concerned that the hard drives (5 of them) in my MP where running too hot (well above 40C).
So i decided to download and try out the following utility > http://www.lobotomo.com/products/FanControl/index.html <.
Unfortunately, it didnt detect the CPU core temps correctly nor did it let you set the fan RPMs below 1000. Being unable to detect the cpu temps meant that it couldnt respond to high load/temp conditions and thus required you to run all the time at a rpm that was sufficient for a high load condition.
Fortunately, it came with source code and I was able to make some changes to it so that it worked better (not perfect) with my Mac Pro.
I've attached the modified source code for anyone who might be interested in building this util for themselves.
The changes i made are as follows...
Base speed minimum value is now 700rpm
Default Base speed is now 1000rpm
Lower Threshold minimum value is now 25C
Default Lower Threshold is now 25C
Upper Threshold minimum value is now 25C
Default Upper Threshold is now 50C
reported temp is the higher of the 2 heat sink temps.
When i attempted to use what appeared to be the SMC CPU temp keys the values reported where higher than expected and fluctuated in unexpected ways. That lead me to believe i either had the wrong keys or the value decoding was in error or some filtering was in order.
I then looked at the values reported by the SMC heat sink keys and they matched perfectly the values reported by "Temperature Monitor" so i decided to use them instead.
Build the attached source code.
Download and install Fan Control 1.1 from Lobomoto from the link above.
replace the installed "Fan Control.prefPane" with the newly built version.
Stop FanControlDaemon from activity monitor if one is running.
replace the installed "FanControlDaemon" with the newly built version.
/Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon/FanControlDaemon start
goto systempreferences/FanControl and make changes to the setting as desired.
With this util running on my MP (2.0GHz, 6BG, 5 hard drives internal) 25C abient temps running Seti@Home http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/index.php with all 4 CPUs pegged at 100%.
I get the follwing temps reported by "Temperature Monitor"
CPU A Heatsink: 29C
CPU B Heatsink: 29C
CPU Core 1: 34C
CPU Core 2: 34C
CPU Core 3: 35C
CPU Core 4: 35C
Memory Modules varied between 44C - 48C
HD Smart varied between 32C - 38C
I hope this helps some of you...
But be carefull, There is more than enough rope here to hang yourself (kill your new computer).
Dave Kennedy
For the latest Leopard compatible version follow this link...
After following this thread > http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=734247&tstart=0 < for awhile i became concerned that the hard drives (5 of them) in my MP where running too hot (well above 40C).
So i decided to download and try out the following utility > http://www.lobotomo.com/products/FanControl/index.html <.
Unfortunately, it didnt detect the CPU core temps correctly nor did it let you set the fan RPMs below 1000. Being unable to detect the cpu temps meant that it couldnt respond to high load/temp conditions and thus required you to run all the time at a rpm that was sufficient for a high load condition.
Fortunately, it came with source code and I was able to make some changes to it so that it worked better (not perfect) with my Mac Pro.
I've attached the modified source code for anyone who might be interested in building this util for themselves.
The changes i made are as follows...
Base speed minimum value is now 700rpm
Default Base speed is now 1000rpm
Lower Threshold minimum value is now 25C
Default Lower Threshold is now 25C
Upper Threshold minimum value is now 25C
Default Upper Threshold is now 50C
reported temp is the higher of the 2 heat sink temps.
When i attempted to use what appeared to be the SMC CPU temp keys the values reported where higher than expected and fluctuated in unexpected ways. That lead me to believe i either had the wrong keys or the value decoding was in error or some filtering was in order.
I then looked at the values reported by the SMC heat sink keys and they matched perfectly the values reported by "Temperature Monitor" so i decided to use them instead.
Build the attached source code.
Download and install Fan Control 1.1 from Lobomoto from the link above.
replace the installed "Fan Control.prefPane" with the newly built version.
Stop FanControlDaemon from activity monitor if one is running.
replace the installed "FanControlDaemon" with the newly built version.
/Library/StartupItems/FanControlDaemon/FanControlDaemon start
goto systempreferences/FanControl and make changes to the setting as desired.
With this util running on my MP (2.0GHz, 6BG, 5 hard drives internal) 25C abient temps running Seti@Home http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/index.php with all 4 CPUs pegged at 100%.
I get the follwing temps reported by "Temperature Monitor"
CPU A Heatsink: 29C
CPU B Heatsink: 29C
CPU Core 1: 34C
CPU Core 2: 34C
CPU Core 3: 35C
CPU Core 4: 35C
Memory Modules varied between 44C - 48C
HD Smart varied between 32C - 38C
I hope this helps some of you...
But be carefull, There is more than enough rope here to hang yourself (kill your new computer).
Dave Kennedy