thanks for all the great recs! i love this thread!
awesome note - love the UI, power, flexibility of this to-do, note-taker, and journal.
high school hero - very addicted to this really fun game.
momento - nice journal that automatically includes my tweets
rest & relax - helps me fall asleep every night, despite the creepy icon
hot potato - like twitter but more fun (and automatically connects to twitter too)
mailtones - assigns different notifications for different people who send me emails
myphone+ - automatically syncs my contacts w/ their current fb profile pics
imovie - amazing how well the movies i make on this app turns out. even easier to use than the real thing
streamfree - my favorite sounds to sleep to
nike training - provides workouts, workout schedules, and let me invite my friends so we can challenge each other
water - helps me drink 8 glasses a day and keeps track of my water consumption
ambiance - my favorite alarm clock app
cutiary - cutest app
atomic lite - favorite (fastest) web browser
wordpress - blog from my phone, including pictures
favorite games - bejeweled 2, solitare, tetris, sally's salon, runway, diner dash, traffic rush, mad libs, jailbreaker, doodlejump, oregon trail,