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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 3, 2010
I have 250+ games but only put about 10 on my iPhone. Still waiting for a lot of apps to update iOS 4 compatible.

Words With Friends, Minigore, Fruit Ninja, etc...

What are you playing?
Words, Carcassone, Angry Birds, Peggle and ProSurfing at the moment.
Is words with friends really worth getting? I see lots of people having it in screenshots and such..

It's great. The free version is the same, just it has adds. Played it for a long time on the free version then upgraded—not because the adds were bad—but I figured I owed the Devs. =)
Just picked up Hawx since it's on sale... Addicted.

And then of course Angry Birds like everyone else lol.
At the moment, Sky Tower. It's free and wow it's addicting!!

Also Doodle Bomb (free for just this weekend I think). Loving it!
I just downloaded PAC-MAN!! It's old school, but I like. Also, bookworm can get addicting. I downloaded GALAGA but i don't think it's compatible with iOS4.
iPhone Word Games

Hey Friends, can anyone suggest me any iphone puzzle game related to spellings, ipad word games and such others..
been downloading games since i upgraded to the iPhone 4 and found a few noteworthy ones that i play every now and then.

obviously words with friends.. its scrabble at your own pace. and can have multiple games going at one time :)

Galcon : i believe people are calling this game a RTS? i dunno but this game is worth checking out, lots of fun and never gets boring :p

my recent addiction tho is "Depict" . it's like pictionary meets a 20 second timer game show lol . it's alot of fun.

and am still waiting for robocalypse to be updated for ios4 . looked like alot of fun but havent had a chance to try it yet :p
My games of choice are:

Flight Control
Words with Friends
God Finger

They are all completely different but each is alot of fun and become addicting.

- Joe
Real Racing looks absolutely fantastic on the iPhone now! I wish more games would update to take advantage or the retina display... :cool:
Oh man I hate words with friends. It was fun in when I first got it, but my girlfriend and brother want to play it allll the time. It makes my head hurt. I play robot unicorn attack a lot. Lol
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