I got a big list here, but these apps are my current faves:
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
(the directional controls are a PITA but you will get used to it, loved the PS2 version, so I was happy this made it to iTunes).
Real Racing
I only have the free version (GTI) but it is alot of fun. Enjoyed the full version at the Apple Store on the iPad, so I had to try this out on the iPhone. Really fun game.
Pinball Ride
love Pinball games, and this one is pretty fun. I just wish there weren't a time limit though.
I'm planning on buying the full one soon. I played the original on PC and loved it. I just need to pass the demo then I'll buy the game on itunes!
Ragdoll Blaster 1& 2
Lite versions, debating if I should get the full one or not. I really enjoyed them both and are pretty challenging. But i'm worried I might tired of them in the long run.
Jelly Car
the original, NOT JC2! The first JC2 is actually free, the 2nd one is an paid app. Haven't tried it but from the reviews it's not as good
Other games I love:
1) Flight Control
2) Boost 3D
3) Dark Nebula
4) Doodle Jump
5) Traffic Rush
6) Tilt to Live