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Over the Air SYNC

1. Over the Air SYNC of Contacts, Calendar, Task, To Do List, Notes
Only USB to Computer for things like really large files, like Video.
WiFi / Edge is fast enough for everything else.
2. Active Sync for Exchange and Windows Live
3. Email FROM Address (or Reply To)
4. Yahoo PUSH of "My Folders". Not just INBOX.
5. Direct SYNC with Google Calendars (using SyncMyCal now).
6. GPS - even via Bluetooth.
7. More USAGE Stats.
Show Actual Battery Level (i.e. 67%)
Show USAGE per major application.

I know Apple will release updates over time. However, it would be cool to get updates on a regular basic for the 1st year to keep the excitment going.

On a positive note this is a great phone/pda/email device ...

I seriously dont see why this isnt included already?
the iphone has bluetooth 2.0... and yea.... it will be a battery drain...
but the iPhone headphones are so much more of a pain than a nice stereo bluetooth headset would be...with voice dialing :):):)

I'll second that.

Also more iTunes features that are missing now
better mail management
Better speakerphone
- Flash
- iChat/Skype
- audio streaming (Internet radio)
- customized alerts for emails and text messages (Alert every 5 minutes when you receive a new email)
- landscape mode everywhere including the home page.
- wallpapers for the home page.
GPS - show your location on Maps and give coordinates
streaming video and radio
multimedia text messaging
1.) iChat with AIM compatibility
2.) Save images from the web, or simply have the ability to right click, maybe the same you do on a macbook or macbook pro with two fingers
3.) Copy PASTE!!!
4.) Ringtones
5.) Disk Use
6.) Bluetooth Transfer


I am not sure why they decided not to include flash, maybe because loading the sites might be overwhelmingly slow on the Edge network, however, I would love to go directly to youtube and get all the vids they havent yet converted, or the simple games on websites, or pretty much any website.

In apples defense, I can understand that perhaps the fact that a lot of ads and random crap are flash, and the fact that it will be very slow when loading, is the reason why flash is not yet included, but remember this phone is like apples new child, with time, updates are going to fix a lot of the crap. It is still an awesome phone.
After using mine for a week, here are my top 3:

1) Voice Dialing
2) Bluetooth Tethering
3) Voice memo recording/Custom Ringtones (can't decide, so it's a tie :))
1. (right now) the ability to sync Notes and ToDo (why just Contacts and Appts???)
2. (most important) the ability to use the file system -- store files, delete files, install executables, etc. (by all means, protect the OS files.)
3. Applications -- (since I have #2) -- Documents To Go, eWallet, FreeCell, XWord (for crossword puzzles), a securities/asset tracking program, and more to come.

Then, by gosh, my iPhone would have the capabilities that my Palm had several years ago. ;)
I do agree on almost all of the things that have been listed in this thread, but I am not aiming so high, HOW ABOUT COPY AND PASTE????

I was at a jobsite trying to track a ups delivery, the shipper emailed me the tracking number... so here I am with my 600 dollar iphone having to search for a pen and paper to write a tracking number down.......
At least with my treos I always had a stylus with me, that the top unscrewed into an ink pen

I really just need Slingplayer, could care less about the rest of the stuff to be honest. I have a computer for my flash websites, and I am generally just checking blogs and e-mail with my phone. I have a great camera for photos and a new HD Video Camera, so the video options I can live without. The ringtones would be nice, but I would rather just be able to make my own, which looks like I can if I am feeling up to the challenge.

Let's go Slingmedia, make it work... somehow... :D
i really want to be able to listen to my library through iTunes while at work (sync at home). i can see my library just fine, but it's greyed out. pretty lame.
- GPS enabled google maps. A good example of this would be like what Helio has on their phones.
- iChat would be nice as well.
- MP3/AAC ringtones. This would be killer.
- Flash for Safari.
- Real Apps.
TO DO's!!!! I WANT TO DO's

call me practical, forgetful or whatever just give me To Do's that sync with iCal. Seems pretty basic.

I too can do without Stocks...puhleeze. Were they that desperate to fill that vacuous hole in the second row.

Please AAPL, give me To Do's on my iPhone...yesterday.
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iChat with voice... call other computers and iPhones!
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