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I think it means two day delivery, but I would definitely pushed for overnight for the inconvenience.

Glad that hopefully it is sorted now, I would be very upset if I ordered something like an imac and it never arrived.

When is it due to you?

Nov 6 ~ Nov 12

now they changed it to Nov 6 ~ Nov 10 with priority shipping.
I've always said that it's not very clever to ship the Mac boxes without an outer box that does NOT say what's inside.
I really don't want to know how many of those Apple boxes get 'lost' every year.

Go talk to the people at Glock (makers of very fine hand guns). They have to work specifically with their shippers to create packaging that isn't readily identifiable and have systems in place to prevent in shipping theft by the employees of the shipping company.

iPods probably work the same way.

Though I do know this about FedEx. If it is FedEx Home (green wording) it will get delivered. The majority of owner operators (contractors) and they cannot afford to lose anything. If it got on their truck it will get to where its supposed to be (big money if you want to get into that line of work but you bust your ass too)
Yeah I really doubt they "lost it". Having worked in the mail system, and having friends that work at FexEx, it is impossible for stuff to get "lost" in transit. That means either there was some kind of accident with the vehicle transporting it, or an employee stole it.
I had a UPS driver literally hurl a boxed bottle of wine over a tall fence that he couldn't see through onto my concrete back porch last month and then had the driver falsify my signature for it.

He could have seriously injured someone or destroyed something other than the wine itself - the bottle landed only a few feet from a glass table. The bottle could also have been found by a child - an adult is supposed to have to sign for alcohol 100% of the time.

UPS is the worst - FedEx is vastly better IMHO.
I had a UPS driver literally hurl a boxed bottle of wine over a tall fence that he couldn't see through onto my concrete back porch last month and then had the driver falsify my signature for it.

He could have seriously injured someone or destroyed something other than the wine itself - the bottle landed only a few feet from a glass table. The bottle could also have been found by a child - an adult is supposed to have to sign for alcohol 100% of the time.

UPS is the worst - FedEx is vastly better IMHO.

It really comes down to individual drivers and not FedEx being better than UPS, IMO. It's not like UPS has a policy for their drivers to do douche-bag stuff like you describe. I had a FedEx driver leave a Omega Speedmaster Pro ($2000 watch) on the front porch without a signature and it got stolen by someone, if not him. My UPS driver knows me and he's a good egg, so if given the option I choose UPS for deliveries to my home.
We should fine you for your inability to be helpful. The guy is clearly upset and I'd even go as far to say that English isn't his first language. Have some compassion.

VicX: Apple will undoubtedly issue you a new one right away. Just give them a call. Apple will deal with FedEx separately.

Jessica, sorry disagree, I could not understand the first post either. That said, I'm sure Apple will make good on this through FedEx because FedEx will take care of it. FedEx will also track down the culprit because they will not be happy about paying for a new iMac.
It really comes down to individual drivers and not FedEx being better than UPS, IMO. It's not like UPS has a policy for their drivers to do douche-bag stuff like you describe. I had a FedEx driver leave a Omega Speedmaster Pro ($2000 watch) on the front porch without a signature and it got stolen by someone, if not him. My UPS driver knows me and he's a good egg, so if given the option I choose UPS for deliveries to my home.
Different strokes for different folks I guess - I've had multiple horrendous experiences with UPS.

Another example - I once had UPS lose a money order I'd used to pay for a COD delivery, and then illegally send the account to a collection agency, without ever even contacting me about it, as though I had not paid! They then, after an absurd amount of time trying to work out the situation which was entirely their fault, took the position that I had to go obtain another money order at substantial time and expense, and further that if they subsequently found and cashed it, that I would then have to go after them to get it back. The way they handled it was blatantly unlawful on multiple counts and if I knew then what I know now, this would have ended up in court, likely with them paying me at the end. You may have a good egg driver, but the company by and large, in my experience, is populated by lying, unethical bastards.
Different strokes for different folks I guess - I've had multiple horrendous experiences with UPS.

Another example - I once had UPS lose a money order I'd used paid for a COD delivery, and then illegally send the account to a collection agency, without ever even contacting me about it, as though I had not paid! They then, after an absurd amount of time trying to work out the situation which was entirely their fault, took the position that I had to go obtain another money order at substantial time and expense, and further that if they subsequently found and cashed it, that I would then have to go after them to get it back. The way they handled it was blatantly unlawful on multiple counts and if I knew then what I know now, this would have ended up in court, likely with them paying me at the end. You may have a good egg driver, but the company by and large, in my experience, is populated by lying, unethical bastards.

Wow. Sorry to hear that. I understand your feeling toward UPS.
the remote comes earlier than my iMac now. they've made 2 attempts to delivery it. it's the afternoon time when i can't be home.
I do put the official "Shipment Release Form" on the door telling them to leave my package to the apartment manager in leasing office. why did they ignore it every time? and they did not leave any note to me either.
i have classes everyday except Friday, what if they make the last attempt tomorrow and still ignore my note?
the remote comes earlier than my iMac now. they've made 2 attempts to delivery it. it's the afternoon time when i can't be home.
I do put the official "Shipment Release Form" on the door telling them to leave my package to the apartment manager in leasing office. why did they ignore it every time? and they did not leave any note to me either.
i have classes everyday except Friday, what if they make the last attempt tomorrow and still ignore my note?

You can call Fedex and telll them to leave it at the local distribution center for pickup, then you go get it.
There are no good couriers - only less bad

From my experience over the last few years, your choice of couriers comes down to:

Filching Every Day EXpected
U'r Parcel Stolen
Definitively and Hopelessly Lost

What really gets me is the wholly incompatible stories you get told every time you phone up - presumably just to get rid of you off the phone. UPS' tracking is far from infallible. Last year it was telling me that my Meridian G57 power amplifier was sitting in Cologne airport, when it turns out that it was known that it had been stolen from Kettering two days earlier.

You can call Fedex and telll them to leave it at the local distribution center for pickup, then you go get it.

the local facility is too far away and i don't have a car.
anyway, i've had my friend wait for it.

for my iMac, it's already shipped and left from origin FedEx facility from Shanghai this morning, via priority (IP direct distribution). a moment before the estimated delivery date was Nov 6, then it changed to Nov 9. from you guys' experience, is it possible that it'll come this week?
it's the waiting that is killing me. i literally have no hope at this point that they will find it, coz they keep telling me from last Thursday that they cannot locate my package, they're sorry...blah blah...

Wow. Im going through the same thing now too. Ive been waiting for my BTO MBP since 5/6. Waiting I mean really, really, really waiting:). It is "lost in the warehouse". Ordered replacement. Waiting game continues. This is so agonizing.... :eek:
Not always. My Mac Pro did not come in a brown box. Just the regular MacPro box with a fedex label slapped on it.

Oh the joy when that fed ex lady was lugging that thing across the street.

I think the Mac Pros are an exception to the rule. Every other Mac seems to come in a brown external box. Apple don't seem to have any big enough for Mac Pro boxes...
WOW. I'm sorry to hear that. But here's what you do.
Get the lost confirmation from FedEx, then call Apple. Tell them what happened and I think they should take care of it, or at least send you out a new one.

I don't understand how they just lose a product THAT big, but I guess stuff like that happens.
FedEX is not free from the wrath($$$) also known as Apple, so just ring apple you dont even need to talk to fedex lol.
I really hate shipping companies. Just be happy they don't ship through UPS. 60% of Macs would be busted upon arrival.
Open season in Europe on 26 May

I wonder how many iPads will go missing in Europe on 26 May (delivery day #1). I don't think the light fingered guys are the final delivery drivers in most cases. As someone else said, out of the big cities, these are often self employed people with their own van and it's their livelihood, plus it is too easy to identify the thief.

The security on the depots seems very lax. I have often wandered in when the front desk has been unmanned, shouting "is there anybody here?" There are parcels just lying around. I could easily have picked one up and walked out. It is a bit like the Museum of Modern Art in Paris.

My worst experience was in 1996, when UPS lost a package of financial information about a take over of a large Scandinavian company. Anyone who found the information and read it, could have made a killing on the markets. UPS tried to lie about the delivery but it all came to light when a very honest young lad came to our front desk, handed the unopened package in, saying he had found it lying the street, about 10 blocks away from our office. We gave him a new laptop in thanks.

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