Different strokes for different folks I guess - I've had multiple horrendous experiences with UPS.
Another example - I once had UPS lose a money order I'd used paid for a COD delivery, and then illegally send the account to a collection agency, without ever even contacting me about it, as though I had not paid! They then, after an absurd amount of time trying to work out the situation which was entirely their fault, took the position that I had to go obtain another money order at substantial time and expense, and further that if they subsequently found and cashed it, that I would then have to go after them to get it back. The way they handled it was blatantly unlawful on multiple counts and if I knew then what I know now, this would have ended up in court, likely with them paying me at the end. You may have a good egg driver, but the company by and large, in my experience, is populated by lying, unethical bastards.