New Note, FIDO WILL NOT replace SIM CARD if you upgrade please WAIT PWNAGE TOOL for 2.0. AS well, after most recent post last night, my phone no longer recieves fido service on the iPhone plan. I called in, they said I cannot have the associated data plan "6GB" on the first gen phone, and it will cause the phone to not work if I keep it. I am testing this theory tonight, to see if I can run the fix for no service. If that doesn't work. I will let you all know.
BTW trying to reach FIDO during normal business hours is almost pointless. Around 1-2 PM MST on average takes 5-7 minutes.
Alright just PWNED my iPhone 1st Gen, and the service is back. woot woot. Now just waiting for first bill after switching to 6GB plan to see if it still does work. Will keep posted. Now lets get iPWNAGE for 2.0 out!