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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 27, 2023
Hello, I would like to access the data on my new Mac with Ventura from my very old Mac with OSX 10.5.

I have tried two solutions, but have not gotten anywhere with either of them.

1st variant via afp:

I installed netatalk on Ventura using Macports. This has also worked so far. However, I have not found anywhere what exactly the config file should look like?

The connection from 10.5 to Ventura via afp:// should work in principle now, but I fail at the login. I get the login window, but I can't log in.

What should I add to the config file so that it can omit the login data?

2nd variant via SMB:

I have installed SMB3 on the Mac with OSX 10.5 via Macports. Surprisingly, this also worked. But when I want to connect to Ventura via SMB:// it doesn't work any more than before.

Does anyone have an idea?

I have to say, I've been working with Mac for a long time, so I know my way around quite well, but I'm not a network engineer...

For your interest: Connecting from OSX 10.5 Leopard via vnc:// to OS13 Ventura still works ! But doesn't really help for file Sharing...


Netatalk on Ventura:

> afpd -V

afpd 2.2.10 - Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) daemon of Netatalk

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
version. Please see the file COPYING for further information and details.

afpd has been compiled with support for these features:

AFP versions: 2.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3
DDP(AppleTalk) Support: No
CNID backends: dbd last tdb
SLP support: No
Zeroconf support: Avahi
TCP wrappers support: No
Quota support: No
Admin group support: Yes
Valid shell checks: Yes
cracklib support: No
Dropbox kludge: No
Force volume uid/gid: No
EA support: ad | sys
ACL support: No
LDAP support: Yes

afpd.conf: /opt/local/etc/netatalk/afpd.conf
AppleVolumes.system: /opt/local/etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.system
AppleVolumes.default: /opt/local/etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default
afp_signature.conf: /opt/local/etc/netatalk/afp_signature.conf
afp_voluuid.conf: /opt/local/etc/netatalk/afp_voluuid.conf
afp_ldap.conf: /opt/local/etc/netatalk/afp_ldap.conf
UAM search path: /opt/local/etc/netatalk/uams/
Server messages path: /opt/local/etc/netatalk/msg/
lockfile: /var/run/afpd


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    Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-22 um 17.56.08.png
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Jun 21, 2012
I haven't tried those solutions. Ventura can access 10.5 so I just connect that way.
Another option is, if you have an Intel Mac then you can run 10.5 on Ventura as a VM.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 27, 2023
Yes, I know, its still working the way around from Ventura to Leopard, but not the other way :(

To understand, I used to open the data on my old Mac directly from the new Mac, edit it and save it again.
After the update to Ventura, I have to copy them to the Mac with 10.5, edit them and copy them back again. Of course, this takes far too long, which makes the whole thing pointless.
It's not the end of the world, of course, but I thought I could somehow manage this with your help. I'm surprised that nobody from the Mac community has dealt with this yet ? I'm sure I'm not the only one with a few old Macs sitting around... ;)
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