I've been hemming and hawing on this since Apple announced the demise of Aperture.
I had LR4 and moved on to that, but I always had issues with Facebook connectivity. Perhaps FB changed its interface and the older version could deal with it, I don't know.
I also seriously looked at Capture One, I really do like how it renders my RAW images. The lack of plug-ins and more importantly the UI were the biggest factors on not going that route.
I was waiting for LR6 (hoping perhaps in vain) that it would also be offered in non-subscription, but having some issues with LR4 during my vacation convinced me to get current. Since it made little sense to "buy" LR5 with LR6 coming at some point, I embraced the subscription model. I guess the upside is that I now can upgrade my old version of PS and use the two together.
The Adobe plugin to import my images seemed to work decently though it grabbed some old images (I'm talking 4 year old images) from I don't know where, but once those were cleaned up. I was happy with the results.
In the end, I guess I'm really happy to have this decision behind me and I can move forward in learning and enhancing my LightRoom knowledge.
I had LR4 and moved on to that, but I always had issues with Facebook connectivity. Perhaps FB changed its interface and the older version could deal with it, I don't know.
I also seriously looked at Capture One, I really do like how it renders my RAW images. The lack of plug-ins and more importantly the UI were the biggest factors on not going that route.
I was waiting for LR6 (hoping perhaps in vain) that it would also be offered in non-subscription, but having some issues with LR4 during my vacation convinced me to get current. Since it made little sense to "buy" LR5 with LR6 coming at some point, I embraced the subscription model. I guess the upside is that I now can upgrade my old version of PS and use the two together.
The Adobe plugin to import my images seemed to work decently though it grabbed some old images (I'm talking 4 year old images) from I don't know where, but once those were cleaned up. I was happy with the results.
In the end, I guess I'm really happy to have this decision behind me and I can move forward in learning and enhancing my LightRoom knowledge.