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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2008
Finally arrived today at 1:30pm. I cant stop looking at it. The screen is brilliant. I have absolutely no complaints with it so far. No dust under the screen, no yellow tint, no flickering.

Here is a few shots I took today. Ill post up more shortly.



So far, first impressions are that Im blown away. I havent stop watched anything yet but this thing blazes! It tackles everything I throw at it without slowing down a bit. I love the feel of the keyboard, even without the number pad. The mouse is tough to get used to but after a few hours it was a lot nicer. Now Im thinking about getting one for my MBP.

I chose to set up fresh instead of using migration assistant and of course Im having a few setup problems.

1. Parallels - I downloaded Parallels (legit) and activated it. All is well. However, I have a Windows 7 VM on my MBP (also legit) but I cant find the disc for the life of me. Is there a way to export that VM from my MBP to my iMac? I tried simply sharing the folder it was located in on the network and copying the .pvm file to my iMac. It copies most of the way then gives me an error about permissions.

2. This is my first iMac and only my second Mac altogether. So Im not sure what my numbers in iStat should be. For example, why do I have so much inactive memory?

Anyway, if you are still waiting for your i7, Im sorry. But if you have this new 27" iMac, I share your happiness!
The screen is brilliant. I have absolutely no complaints with it so far. No dust under the screen, no yellow tint, no flickering.

I'm sorry but that is unbelievable! Check it again please. There just has to be something wrong with it.
Finally arrived today at 1:30pm. I cant stop looking at it. The screen is brilliant. I have absolutely no complaints with it so far. No dust under the screen, no yellow tint, no flickering.

Here is a few shots I took today. Ill post up more shortly.


So far, first impressions are that Im blown away. I havent stop watched anything yet but this thing blazes! It tackles everything I throw at it without slowing down a bit. I love the feel of the keyboard, even without the number pad. The mouse is tough to get used to but after a few hours it was a lot nicer. Now Im thinking about getting one for my MBP.

I chose to set up fresh instead of using migration assistant and of course Im having a few setup problems.

1. Parallels - I downloaded Parallels (legit) and activated it. All is well. However, I have a Windows 7 VM on my MBP (also legit) but I cant find the disc for the life of me. Is there a way to export that VM from my MBP to my iMac? I tried simply sharing the folder it was located in on the network and copying the .pvm file to my iMac. It copies most of the way then gives me an error about permissions.

2. This is my first iMac and only my second Mac altogether. So Im not sure what my numbers in iStat should be. For example, why do I have so much inactive memory?

Anyway, if you are still waiting for your i7, Im sorry. But if you have this new 27" iMac, I share your happiness!
Hey nice one i have one too i love it.. I cant stop looking at it also, i like the pic of your system where did you get that from?? I would love to have one too look at and see how's the imac is doing... Thanks for the pics
Hey nice one i have one too i love it.. I cant stop looking at it also, i like the pic of your system where did you get that from?? I would love to have one too look at and see how's the imac is doing... Thanks for the pics

Yeah, like Shawnstra posted, thats iStat pro. Its very nice to have. Its a dashboard widget, just so you know.

You need new speakers :p

Really? I kinda like these Bose. Not to big and they have decent low end for not having a sub. What do you recommend I replace them with?

I'm sorry but that is unbelievable! Check it again please. There just has to be something wrong with it.

I checked everything i can think of, even shined a flashlight across the screen at different angles looking for dust. :eek:

You could tell it was recently in Alaska, it was ice cold when I opened it! :D

Please put you vote in the POLL: Does Your 27 inch iMac have a display problem" thread.
Do you rotate your guitars in and out of the lighted nook, or does your Les Paul get all the glory?

Only the Les Paul deserves that spot! Out of the other 3 only 1 of them is worth a damn, the Martin on the right. The other 2 are clunkers I let my kids play on. But no one touches daddy's Les Paul! :D

Which reminds me, I wanted to plug that bad boy into my iMac tonight to see how it handles plain old Garageband. Thanks for the reminder Capt!

Oh, and these are for you.. :D
Only the Les Paul deserves that spot! Out of the other 3 only 1 of them is worth a damn, the Martin on the right. The other 2 are clunkers I let my kids play on. But no one touches daddy's Les Paul! :D

Which reminds me, I wanted to plug that bad boy into my iMac tonight to see how it handles plain old Garageband. Thanks for the reminder Capt!

Oh, and these are for you.. :D

mmm... purdy

Garageband can be fun to play around with for a bit -- but have you seen the guitar amp modelers/effects pedals in Logic 9? You can get veeery different tones with the amp modelers and effects pedals they've included. I can play with this stuff for hours:

It's something worth checking out. Best of all, if you plug in a pair of headphones it's dead silent to everyone else in the house. Awesome.
Yeah, like Shawnstra posted, thats iStat pro. Its very nice to have. Its a dashboard widget, just so you know.

Really? I kinda like these Bose. Not to big and they have decent low end for not having a sub. What do you recommend I replace them with?

I checked everything i can think of, even shined a flashlight across the screen at different angles looking for dust. :eek:

You could tell it was recently in Alaska, it was ice cold when I opened it! :D
It comes in on airplane, at alttiude the temp is like 40 below zero or so, the cargo planes are not heated like airliners, thus the cold. Of course it was cold in Alaska too. Not fussing, just a FWIW line.
Great you have no screen problems, I see some do. I dont get mine til next week, hoping for good luck. I am leary about ordering something. Too easy to return to a store if you have problems, but local BB did not have it yet, if they even get it. No Apple store here in town.
It comes in on airplane, at alttiude the temp is like 40 below zero or so, the cargo planes are not heated like airliners, thus the cold. Of course it was cold in Alaska too. Not fussing, just a FWIW line.
Great you have no screen problems, I see some do. I dont get mine til next week, hoping for good luck. I am leary about ordering something. Too easy to return to a store if you have problems, but local BB did not have it yet, if they even get it. No Apple store here in town.

Ive spoken with a lot of people at Best Buy and Apple stores recently, none of them seem to even realize the difference between the i5 and i7. I asked a guy at Best Buy yesterday if they were going to carry the i7. He said, Yeah we have some over here. And proceeded to show me the C2Ds. I thanked him for his time and left.
Girl at the Apple store said they had an i7 in stock on Tuesday, I asked her to kindly make sure by checking the box. She came back and said I was right, it was an i5.
Long story short, I dont think the i7 will be available in stores, not just yet.

Added another pic. :D
mmm... purdy

Garageband can be fun to play around with for a bit -- but have you seen the guitar amp modelers/effects pedals in Logic 9? You can get veeery different tones with the amp modelers and effects pedals they've included. I can play with this stuff for hours:

It's something worth checking out. Best of all, if you plug in a pair of headphones it's dead silent to everyone else in the house. Awesome.

Yeah, I really want to get my hands on Logic, but its not cheap. So Im still messing with GB.

I need to get me some good headphones. I had a pair of Shure E5s that went bad on me. Those were great in ears but I never had a nice pair of "cans."
Yeah, I really want to get my hands on Logic, but its not cheap. So Im still messing with GB.

I need to get me some good headphones. I had a pair of Shure E5s that went bad on me. Those were great in ears but I never had a nice pair of "cans."

My recommendation for "cans" are Sennheiser HD 280 Pro. I tried every set I could get my hands on and those sounded the best...I thought better than other Sens that costed more. Anyway, just my .02 cents.

Oh and BTW, I have a set of Shure SE-530 in ears and like them, but I prefer my "cans" in all honesty.


My recommendation for "cans" are Sennheiser HD 280 Pro. I tried every set I could get my hands on and those sounded the best...I thought better than other Sens that costed more. Anyway, just my .02 cents.

Oh and BTW, I have a set of Shure SE-530 in ears and like them, but I prefer my "cans" in all honesty.



80 bucks aint to bad either. I would add these to the xmas list if I was getting anything for xmas! The wife says after this i7, Im done!

Looks like a stick of TNT in the middle under the hard drive! :eek: :D

LOL, I was thinking the same thing a second ago! :eek:
Where did you pick up the desktop background? At ifixit? Does it render deasently as a background, cause I only found one 500 pixels wide - tried to vector it but never got a good result.
Still waiting for my iMac though, just preparing.
Where did you pick up the desktop background? At ifixit? Does it render deasently as a background, cause I only found one 500 pixels wide - tried to vector it but never got a good result.
Still waiting for my iMac though, just preparing.

Here's the link to the high res background. It looks amazing on the new iMac. With the dock hidden, it almost looks like you are looking right through the glass!

I like the guitars hanging behind you. I have my Ovation hanging behind me. I also like your cable management system, very clean...:)

Oh I had an Ovation a few years ago. Those are nice guitars.

Regarding the cable management... thanks. I spent the few weeks waiting for the iMac by getting my office ready. I got velcro all over the place to hold things where they belong. Took me 2 weekends to get it how I like it. I finally had cables just hanging in the middle waiting for an i7 to plug into!
Im getting so sick of seeing post after post titled "Dont buy the i7" or "Apple's worst product ever". I figured I would bump my own thread to give some status on my i7; which is running remarkably well since Thanksgiving by the way. My screen has had no issues other than me never turning it off!

So lets not kid ourselves here folks. This is an Apple product and Im sure Apple is working on a solution to whatever problem YOU may think YOU have. Im sure Apple hasnt totally abandon R&D and we all know Apple's support is one of the reasons to convert to Mac. So if you have issues, call them before you post a thread telling people to not buy a computer!

One other thing... it seems as though people forget that this is a computer. No matter how expensive it is, computers need certain things like maintenance routines. Some more than others. Some may need to reload the OS which isnt all that difficult with Snow Leopard. Either way, if you get one fricken beachball dont come running in and post not to buy Apple. Run a fricken utility once, or attempt ONE troubleshooting procedure before you chalk your machine up to being a complete failure. I know some people have screen flickers and tearing or yellowing, and that is something that a utility wont fix. But come on now, its not like you are stuck with a broken machine.

I know Apple advertises Macs as being less prone to failure, and they are. But that doesnt mean you dont have to intervene once in a while and run a maintenance utility or 2.

Sorry, I just wanted to rant really quick.
Im getting so sick of seeing post after post titled "Dont buy the i7" or "Apple's worst product ever". I figured I would bump my own thread to give some status on my i7; which is running remarkably well since Thanksgiving by the way. My screen has had no issues other than me never turning it off!

So lets not kid ourselves here folks. This is an Apple product and Im sure Apple is working on a solution to whatever problem YOU may think YOU have. Im sure Apple hasnt totally abandon R&D and we all know Apple's support is one of the reasons to convert to Mac. So if you have issues, call them before you post a thread telling people to not buy a computer!

One other thing... it seems as though people forget that this is a computer. No matter how expensive it is, computers need certain things like maintenance routines. Some more than others. Some may need to reload the OS which isnt all that difficult with Snow Leopard. Either way, if you get one fricken beachball dont come running in and post not to buy Apple. Run a fricken utility once, or attempt ONE troubleshooting procedure before you chalk your machine up to being a complete failure. I know some people have screen flickers and tearing or yellowing, and that is something that a utility wont fix. But come on now, its not like you are stuck with a broken machine.

I know Apple advertises Macs as being less prone to failure, and they are. But that doesnt mean you dont have to intervene once in a while and run a maintenance utility or 2.

Sorry, I just wanted to rant really quick.

Agree here, too. And I'll add my rant to yours: I get the impression that some people are spending too much time complaining and fault-finding rather than actually getting work done with their shiny new iMacs. I understand that people expect to get their money's worth and I understand that some units are defective to the point of hindering people's work. However, if the defects do not render the machine unusable, maybe go ahead and do productive work on it until the fixes are developed and rolled out then have Apple fix the machines? That's what the warranty is for. And, yes, there are "flawless" late 2009 iMacs out there - mine included.:)

I would think that the returns, exchanges and repairs have gotten Apple's attention and that the issues are being investigated. These are, after all, affecting Apple's profit.

This was just a rant/vent and not an invitation for debate. Nor will I respond to flames...

There, I said my peace...
Agree here, too. And I'll add my rant to yours: I get the impression that some people are spending too much time complaining and fault-finding rather than actually getting work done with their shiny new iMacs. I understand that people expect to get their money's worth and I understand that some units are defective to the point of hindering people's work. However, if the defects do not render the machine unusable, maybe go ahead and do productive work on it until the fixes are developed and rolled out then have Apple fix the machines? That's what the warranty is for. And, yes, there are "flawless" late 2009 iMacs out there - mine included.:)

I would think that the returns, exchanges and repairs have gotten Apple's attention and that the issues are being investigated. These are, after all, affecting Apple's profit.

This was just a rant/vent and not an invitation for debate. Nor will I respond to flames...

There, I said my peace...

Thanks for your rant! I was hoping to see responses like this one. In the online forum community world, I think its normal to see more complaints/issues than the opposite. But I wanted people to see that not EVERY iMac is having issues.

You are right on the money too... if your screen does have problems, Apple will fix them. Sooner or later. Or you can get your money back. I buy Apple because of how excellent my experiences have been when it comes to service. If my iMac had an issue, I would be on the phone with them, not in here complaining.

It leads me to believe some of these complaints arent "valid".
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