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Thanks for your rant! I was hoping to see responses like this one. In the online forum community world, I think its normal to see more complaints/issues than the opposite. But I wanted people to see that not EVERY iMac is having issues.

You are right on the money too... if your screen does have problems, Apple will fix them. Sooner or later. Or you can get your money back. I buy Apple because of how excellent my experiences have been when it comes to service. If my iMac had an issue, I would be on the phone with them, not in here complaining.

It leads me to believe some of these complaints arent "valid".

Well this is certainly a load of crud. I am far from a perfectionist, and I rely on my computers for my livelihood. Perhaps for some, the horrendous problems of the iMac do not allow us to complete our work? I had two of them, and returned them and got a refund because I refuse to pay good money for a poorly made machine.

For those of us that would like for these things to truly work correctly, can you post a build week and screen shots of the uniformity test? I would like to see that they are starting to build good ones so I can consider buying again.

Please do not insinuate any problems are made up or not valid. That is so far from the truth it is absurd.
Thanks for your rant! I was hoping to see responses like this one. In the online forum community world, I think its normal to see more complaints/issues than the opposite. But I wanted people to see that not EVERY iMac is having issues.

You are right on the money too... if your screen does have problems, Apple will fix them. Sooner or later. Or you can get your money back. I buy Apple because of how excellent my experiences have been when it comes to service. If my iMac had an issue, I would be on the phone with them, not in here complaining.

It leads me to believe some of these complaints arent "valid".

Same here. I've gotten good service from Apple. In fact, I'm on my second i5. My first one did have a slight yellow tint and I was just going to wait for the fix. However, the optical drive acted up (won't mount DVDs) so I called it in and was sent to the Genius Bar. When I took it in, the Genius verified the optical drive problem. Since my iMac was there already, I told him about the tint and to check out my hard drive as I noticed it got a little noisy and it did require a Disk Utility repair. Later that day, I got a call and was offered a swap instead of a repair even though I had bought it from a reseller and it had been with me more than 14 days. I took up the offer and now have a flawless i5 - no yellow tint.

You are exactly right about getting on the phone with Apple CS instead of griping here. While it's true that forums like this are useful for sharing experiences and problems, some of the threads and posts have little or no value except repetitious complaining and crying. 'Makes you wonder if some iMacs were purchased purely for bragging rights or simply to have the latest "toy" rather than for actually doing productive work.

Uh oh! I probably invoked flames my way...:eek:
Well this is certainly a load of crud. I am far from a perfectionist, and I rely on my computers for my livelihood. Perhaps for some, the horrendous problems of the iMac do not allow us to complete our work? I had two of them, and returned them and got a refund because I refuse to pay good money for a poorly made machine.

For those of us that would like for these things to truly work correctly, can you post a build week and screen shots of the uniformity test? I would like to see that they are starting to build good ones so I can consider buying again.

Please do not insinuate any problems are made up or not valid. That is so far from the truth it is absurd.

Blah blah blah.....

This is the happy experience thread, go drop your bad news in one of the many other so called problem threads.
If my iMac had an issue, I would be on the phone with them, not in here complaining.

It leads me to believe some of these complaints arent "valid".

You are complaining on here and don't even have a problem with something you bought. So by your own logic you can't be believed.

Classic :D
You are complaining on here and don't even have a problem with something you bought. So by your own logic you can't be believed.

Classic :D

This actually made me laugh out loud ABG, because you are right! :D I guess people just love to complain!
What Im saying is that it appears to me, that some of these complaints are... ummm... how do you say.... TROLLS!! Not ALL of them, just SOME of them.

Well this is certainly a load of crud. I am far from a perfectionist, and I rely on my computers for my livelihood. Perhaps for some, the horrendous problems of the iMac do not allow us to complete our work? I had two of them, and returned them and got a refund because I refuse to pay good money for a poorly made machine.

For those of us that would like for these things to truly work correctly, can you post a build week and screen shots of the uniformity test? I would like to see that they are starting to build good ones so I can consider buying again.

Please do not insinuate any problems are made up or not valid. That is so far from the truth it is absurd.

Look, Im not singing the praises of Apple here or saying that NONE of the issues are valid. Im fortunate enough to not have some of the valid issues mentioned here on the forums. I dont have the flicker, I dont feel the need to test for yellow tint because in my eyes this screen looks perfect. However, I do agree that these issues would be cause for concern for some people and be reason enough to call Apple for resolution.

With that said, I think you have the correct approach. Take it back and wait till they fix it and then buy one error free (hopefully). But the point I was trying to make was... by looking at this forum you would think EVERY single iMac has an issue. I simply bumped my thread to let people know that there are iMacs out there that are error free.
Im getting so sick of seeing post after post titled "Dont buy the i7" or "Apple's worst product ever". I figured I would bump my own thread to give some status on my i7; which is running remarkably well since Thanksgiving by the way. My screen has had no issues other than me never turning it off!

So lets not kid ourselves here folks. This is an Apple product and Im sure Apple is working on a solution to whatever problem YOU may think YOU have. Im sure Apple hasnt totally abandon R&D and we all know Apple's support is one of the reasons to convert to Mac. So if you have issues, call them before you post a thread telling people to not buy a computer!

One other thing... it seems as though people forget that this is a computer. No matter how expensive it is, computers need certain things like maintenance routines. Some more than others. Some may need to reload the OS which isnt all that difficult with Snow Leopard. Either way, if you get one fricken beachball dont come running in and post not to buy Apple. Run a fricken utility once, or attempt ONE troubleshooting procedure before you chalk your machine up to being a complete failure. I know some people have screen flickers and tearing or yellowing, and that is something that a utility wont fix. But come on now, its not like you are stuck with a broken machine.

I know Apple advertises Macs as being less prone to failure, and they are. But that doesnt mean you dont have to intervene once in a while and run a maintenance utility or 2.

Sorry, I just wanted to rant really quick.

Absolutely agree with your post 100%, actually 99%:). I've never seen Apple actually advertise their products to be less prone to failure, however they do advertise the stability, security and reliability of Mac OS X. But otherwise your post is the type of rant that needed to be posted. :)
This actually made me laugh out loud ABG, because you are right! :D I guess people just love to complain!
What Im saying is that it appears to me, that some of these complaints are... ummm... how do you say.... TROLLS!! Not ALL of them, just SOME of them.

Look, Im not singing the praises of Apple here or saying that NONE of the issues are valid. Im fortunate enough to not have some of the valid issues mentioned here on the forums. I dont have the flicker, I dont feel the need to test for yellow tint because in my eyes this screen looks perfect. However, I do agree that these issues would be cause for concern for some people and be reason enough to call Apple for resolution.

With that said, I think you have the correct approach. Take it back and wait till they fix it and then buy one error free (hopefully). But the point I was trying to make was... by looking at this forum you would think EVERY single iMac has an issue. I simply bumped my thread to let people know that there are iMacs out there that are error free.

Fair enough :) I have no problems with a feel good thread. It's nice to see one. I just don't want it to become "feel good by putting people with problems down".

I prefer my MacRumors to be more discussion and less hate. And if the people with problems are a little strung out then - that understandable because they have problems. Typically they want to vent, or get some sympathy and validation. Sometimes they get it, but often one of MR's select group of Apple Fundamentalists come screaming up shouting that they are blasphemers and should burn in hell.

Are there exaggerations by people with problems. Probably. Are all of them genuine owners? Unlikely. I just don't see the need to issue a blanket curse on people who paid good money & ended up disappointed and with problems. It adds insult to injury to come to an Apple forum and be told you're a liar.

Anyway - back on topic. I'd post a pic of my i7, but I have a nasty feeling that seeing it hunkered down in a desk heaving with mess and random tech would be too much for some to take!:eek:
Fair enough :) I have no problems with a feel good thread. It's nice to see one. I just don't want it to become "feel good by putting people with problems down".

Yes, however in the real world, if you check out these threads, it's actually the other way around. The people with problems are so disgruntled that they get MAD at the people who are not having problems and call them an Apple Fanboy for drinking the kool-aid just because the people with no issues are happy. That's not right.
Yes, however in the real world, if you check out these threads, it's actually the other way around. The people with problems are so disgruntled that they get MAD at the people who are not having problems and call them an Apple Fanboy for drinking the kool-aid just because the people with no issues are happy. That's not right.

I've checked out the threads - that's why I said what I said.
Fair enough :) I have no problems with a feel good thread. It's nice to see one. I just don't want it to become "feel good by putting people with problems down".

I prefer my MacRumors to be more discussion and less hate. And if the people with problems are a little strung out then - that understandable because they have problems. Typically they want to vent, or get some sympathy and validation. Sometimes they get it, but often one of MR's select group of Apple Fundamentalists come screaming up shouting that they are blasphemers and should burn in hell.

Are there exaggerations by people with problems. Probably. Are all of them genuine owners? Unlikely. I just don't see the need to issue a blanket curse on people who paid good money & ended up disappointed and with problems. It adds insult to injury to come to an Apple forum and be told you're a liar.

Anyway - back on topic. I'd post a pic of my i7, but I have a nasty feeling that seeing it hunkered down in a desk heaving with mess and random tech would be too much for some to take!:eek:

I agree, the hate is why I posted what I posted, just to show it isnt all that way. I didnt want to put anyone down, I was just implying that I think some of the complainers might just be someone just trying to stir the pot or putting fuel on the fire.

But in no way did I mean to put anyone down or rub it in. Not my intentions.

Yes, however in the real world, if you check out these threads, it's actually the other way around. The people with problems are so disgruntled that they get MAD at the people who are not having problems and call them an Apple Fanboy for drinking the kool-aid just because the people with no issues are happy. That's not right.

I've checked out the threads - that's why I said what I said.

How true.

Absolutely agree with your post 100%, actually 99%:). I've never seen Apple actually advertise their products to be less prone to failure, however they do advertise the stability, security and reliability of Mac OS X. But otherwise your post is the type of rant that needed to be posted. :)

You are right. But Ive always known Apple to focus a lot on support and that is why I switched to Mac. If I do run into a problem, Ill be calling Apple. I can always expect them to at least attempt to fix it.
Ya, I am loving my iMac i5 my first one got a stuck pixel so I returned it and now this one is really perfect :D. I am really enjoying it.

They took it back with just one stuck? That's pretty good. Don't they usually allow a few dead pixels and consider it "acceptable"?

I was told that once about the iPhone. I had 3 dead and the guy wouldn't take it back. So I went back a week later and complained about something esle hardware related and they gave me a new one without even testing. I guess it all depends on who you talk to as well.

Yeah we all know there are a few iMacs that are error free. But don't tell people that your iMac is error free if you can't tell (or don't want to look for) imperfect IPS LED panels. I agree with you with everything else.

I was an idiot for not reading the forums before making my purchase. So I am very thankful of this place now (to keep me updated with what's going on with the latest iMacs). I do want to get another one (in my case, an Core i5 with HD4850, the only option Apple offers that meet my personal requirements—that's affordable).

Yeah we all know there are a few iMacs that are error free. But don't tell people that your iMac is error free if you can't tell (or don't want to look for) imperfect IPS LED panels. I agree with you with everything else.

You are right. It is a bit hypocritical. But if I dont notice an issue Im certainly not going to test for it. Thats like taking your car to the mechanic when there isnt anything wrong with it. I guarantee they find something to fix.

Im by no means a professional, but I do a fair amount of freelance photoshop work as well as some webpages. The colors seem accurate across the screen, so checking for issues has never even crossed my mind.

Now you got me thinking about it! NOOO!! I refuse to check it!! :)
I was within the 14 day return/exchange period. I was lucky sort of since it got stuck around 7 days. I would have been pissed if it got stuck after the 14 days.
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