You made the right choice. The new imacs are junk and targeted towards pc switchers to whom an etch-A sketch is an improvement over their current pc. The bus speed bump is irrelevant as the memory speed is the same, the aluminum and plastic looks like a $500 HP piece of crap and as far as the chipset imacs are hobby machines anyway with 3 or 4 gigs max what's the difference? The screen is the only redeeming factor and the white 24"c2d blows the new glossy ijunk out of the water. it only "looks better" to those that don't know any better. Take a look at the apple refurb site a refurb white 24" is only $100 less than the so called "improved" imac 24" - the white 24" C2D 2.33 is in demand to those in the know...