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macrumors member
Original poster
May 3, 2008
Morning all.

I have enjoyed reading the chatter on these forms for the past, almost, year and thought I would do like others have a post my ordering experience as it happens.

Last night (Sunday the 23rd June) I ordered my first 'new' Mac. Mind you it will not be the first Mac I have used as I grew up at 5 years old starting on a Mac 2 CI that STILL WORKS JUST FINE! (DO that on a windows pc HA), thne power mac tower, then G3 iMac, then G3 tower, then Power Book TI 667. All used and well out of date by the time I had use of them.

I broke the piggy bank after 5 years of dreaming and ordered a 24" 2.8 iMac 2GB 500GB nvidia512mb +Apple Care +Free iPod touch :cool: Educator Price/options. $27XX.xx CDN but the rebaid for 319 will come with the touch.

I am very excited to get this brand new Mac and see what I can do!

So 10 business days from now Apple order confirmation is saying I should have the iMac and iPod, so we will have to see. I will keep everyone posted if something comes earlier or later then expected.

Shipping to Kingston Ontario Canada.


I just purchased that same system and installed it on behalf of a friend. It's an amazing display and a very fast computer. You'll love it!
When I finally got my first Mac a few moths ago, I got some good advice from a buddy. He said to get Handbrake (free) and MediaLink ($20). I love my Mac, but the adoration reached fever pitch when I realised what I could do with those two little apps.

Handbrake lets me rip my DVDs to the Mac. I've been using the iPhone preset which reduces the resolution to be more appropriate for the iPhone's screen, which also makes the files smaller. About 1GB for a 2-hour movie. It even lets me rip PAL formatted DVDs even though the Mac software says I have to change regions to play 'em (I just ignore the pop-up and so does Handbrake!). The movies look good on the Mac and excellent on the iPhone's bright little screen.

Then, MediaLink turns my PS3 into Apple TV! MediaLink installs on the Mac in seconds, and then when you turn on the PS3, your Mac shows up as a media server. No need to prep the PS3, it's just there. All the movies that I've ripped to the Mac are there, and the quality of the movies at the iPhone resolution is very good. Not high-def or anything (the DVD wasn't to begin with), but as good as if you were watching it on a good cable channel. The movies stream instantly (wireless) with no buffering lag. Even the PAL formatted stuff just plays! So now I can watch my UK DVDs on my regular US TV!

These two apps sent my love for my Mac into orbit.
Wirelessly posted (PPC; 240x320; HTC_TyTN/1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.7))

I cant look myself right now (stuck at work) but does that only work for ps3, I have an xbox 360 and really like the sound of that software (I'm getting my first Mac next month.
Thanks in advance.
Then, MediaLink turns my PS3 into Apple TV! MediaLink installs on the Mac in seconds, and then when you turn on the PS3, your Mac shows up as a media server. No need to prep the PS3, it's just there. All the movies that I've ripped to the Mac are there, and the quality of the movies at the iPhone resolution is very good. Not high-def or anything (the DVD wasn't to begin with), but as good as if you were watching it on a good cable channel. The movies stream instantly (wireless) with no buffering lag. Even the PAL formatted stuff just plays! So now I can watch my UK DVDs on my regular US TV!

MediaLink looks really cool, but it looks like you can only rent HD movies through the Apple TV's interface (as opposed to iTunes on a Mac). Any way around that?
Wirelessly posted (PPC; 240x320; HTC_TyTN/1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.7))

I ant look myself right now (stuck at work) but does that onky work for ps3, I have an xbox 360 and really like the sound of that software (I'm getting my first Mac next month.
Thanks in advance.

No, but their other product Connect360 does that
MediaLink looks really cool, but it looks like you can only rent HD movies through the Apple TV's interface (as opposed to iTunes on a Mac). Any way around that?

Not of which I'm aware. MediaLink just allow you to stream from your Mac (any part of it, not just iTunes) to the PS3. The Apple TV store is something else entirely. Apologies if my original comment suggested otherwise.
Not of which I'm aware. MediaLink just allow you to stream from your Mac (any part of it, not just iTunes) to the PS3. The Apple TV store is something else entirely. Apologies if my original comment suggested otherwise.

Ahh well, it's still pretty cool. Thanks for the tip, I'm definitely going to check it out.
Ahh well, it's still pretty cool. Thanks for the tip, I'm definitely going to check it out.

For $20 it's a bargain compared to actually buying an Apple TV. OK, so you don't get to rent HD movies that way, but you can rent SD movies with iTunes. Or, do what I do, which is use Netflix and then rip those movies that I want to keep to my Mac with Handbrake.
Well folks the iTouch shipped this morning so... about 18hours after its purchase. Its coming from China and it has an engraving of "Karma". I figured Karma would be neutral if I had to sell it and also could come in handy if someone stole it.

The iMac hasn't shipped yet.

They say 8 to 10 business days for the order to arrive.

On another note I also ordered some xhtml, css, flash, and php books to brush up on my web skills So... with all that screen space lets see how creative I can be.

I have been using HandBrake on my PC for a bit now and my dentist was telling me how much faster it is for the Mac. I'm looking forward to it.

The other PS3 program... I'm pretty sure I have seen this setup with open source tools for free. But the software is a nice seamless solution. I don't have any games or gaming consoles but its a good though.

Thank you all for your posts.

For $20 it's a bargain compared to actually buying an Apple TV. OK, so you don't get to rent HD movies that way, but you can rent SD movies with iTunes. Or, do what I do, which is use Netflix and then rip those movies that I want to keep to my Mac with Handbrake.

Very true, but my main use for an Apple TV would be renting movies to watch on my 50" plasma. I'm not a Netflix subscriber (and honestly don't want to be) and I don't like going to Blockbuster. Since the PS3's BluRay works like an upscaling DVD player when regular DVDs are played through it, I can just rent the SD discs, but when downloading movies, I'd really like to have access to HD content. Otherwise, what's the point of having a huge HD TV?

Regardless, MediaLink sounds really cool and I'm definitely going to check it out.
no doubt about it your gonnna love it ive had my 24" 2.8 for about 2 weeks now and its been so hard to leave it alone. :D
Congratulations on your purchase, you are going to love it. Sounds like you qualify and can apply for an Apple Fanboy University waiver :)
Morning everyone.

The touch shipped the 23rd and the iMac has entered the shipping system today the 25th.

One confusing note about Fedex. The time stamp they put on the shipping time... they say its in local time but don't say who's local time.

China (where its coming from) is +8, and I am in Ontario and its -5, so 13hours apart with China being 13hours ahead. I think Fedex is using local China time to time stamp shipping activity as I woke up this morning at 6AM and Fedex showed that the iMac was shipped at 8AM today. Thought this might be useful information for other fans.

I'm hoping it will be here by next week!

Both the touch and iMac left SHANGHAI CN the 24th at 9pm EST.

I work up and checked this morning and the iTouch has made it to Canada! The iMac is still on route to the u.s. for a quick stop before coming to Canada.

This isn't taking to long at all. Ordered Sunday the 22nd around supper time.
The iPod Touch has arrived!

It arrived at the door today at 13:40 local time (-5 GMT). It took almost 5 days for ordering to the door.

The iMac is still in transit.

Last I checked FedEx reported the iMac is in MEMPHIS, TN at 01:20hrs their time. So it should be in Ontario by now and I would be surprised if it wasn't already in Kingston at the depot. But time will tell.

Thought I would post an update for all those wanting to know how long the shipping may take to South Eastern Ontario for a custom Mac.
The iPod Touch has arrived!

It arrived at the door today at 13:40 local time (-5 GMT). It took almost 5 days for ordering to the door.

The iMac is still in transit.

Last I checked FedEx reported the iMac is in MEMPHIS, TN at 01:20hrs their time. So it should be in Ontario by now and I would be surprised if it wasn't already in Kingston at the depot. But time will tell.

Thought I would post an update for all those wanting to know how long the shipping may take to South Eastern Ontario for a custom Mac.

anytime know....i know u got the butterflies. the best part about gettin the iMac is unwrapping all the plastics off of it :D
Well as of 1300hrs today both the iPod Touch and iMac have arrived.

Ordered the late on Sunday the 22nd, and here on the 30th. Trip time was ~8 days from China. (6 business days).

... now time to send off the rebate for the iPod Touch.
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