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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 22, 2022
Like many people I have fallen foul to using the same email address for everything and lost access to my recover emails address.

Like most youngsters I used fake DOB, and details and don’t remember any of the security questions. Over the years I have used the same password or variations thereof. I had two standard prefixes followed by numbers / characters. (I now use strong unique passwords). Anyway I set a new password for Hotmail over 2 years ago then entered it in my iPhone mail app and to this day have not logged into a browser eg safari / Firefox. I have no idea what the password is. I reached out to Microsoft but have been told they won’t unlock it.

I would never have imagined all those years ago how many accounts would be registered to the email address: banks, credit cards, tax, shopping, my Apple ID and so many important conversations.

I have an old iPhone with the password on it that I wouldn’t mind jailbreak to get the hashed password.

If I could get the hashed password I could probably eventually get the password by inputing my each two prefixes into a brute force. I know how many characters it is and I know the first 7 or possibly 8 letters depending on which prefix I used. It’s a 13 digit password. Tbh with time I could probably break it myself but every time I get locked out of Hotmail for a few days. I’m worried it’s permanent this time.

Would jailbreaking get me access to the hashed password? Alternatively is there a way for me to “sniff it” over my wifi?

I know I can’t brute force a 13 digit password but if I know the first 7/8 digits…..(?)

Before anyone helpfully suggests checking browsers I have checked every browser on every computer and phone on the house and it’s also not on the keychain as it was only in the mail app.

FWIW the old iPhone is a 6s, running IOS 13.3 and I have a 2014 MacBook Pro running Catalina.

If you don’t know but can think where else I might ask then that too would be appreciate.

Many thanks. 🙏


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
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