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steamboat26 said:
I just downloaded Firefox last night, and i have noticed that it is considerably faster than Safari. Am i crazy, or is there something that explains this?

Firefox sure crashes faster.
Firefox seems alot faster for me then Safari but i find that Safari's downloading speed is alot more stable.
For me Safari has always been faster than Firefox, but I use Firefox for its features. Safari is very slim on features and with all of Firefox's plugins you can do a whole lot. Plus Firefox displays more pages correctly than Safari (though there are some pages Safari will display better).

I actually like using OminWeb because of the way it handles tabs and because of the saved browsing sessions, but it costs money and they haven't updated it in a while.

Safari got much faster in the last OSX update. (Intel iMac).

I primarily use firefox though.

If you use a mighty mouse and Safari, do two things...

1. Turn on tabs as suggested above.
2. Turn on right click in the system preferences for the mouse.

I hate using the keyboard, but then again I'm a switcher...

This allows you to right click links and open them in a new tab...

Much better than the Apple - Click or whatever its called...
About a year ago Firefox seemed faster. Then Safari was updated and it seemed faster. Then I tried Camino and it seemed faster. Now I am back to Safari because its seems faster now. :eek:
IMO firefox is slower than both safari and camino. Those are the only three I use (and I've now deleted firefox). Really, I find all of them fairly close in terms of speed, features, and most everything else.
FireFox was faster for me when I used to have my Quad. Not anymore though, now that I'm using an Intel iMac. Safari wins hands down.
As an FYI: Mozilla, Firefox, Camino, Bon Echo, and Flock are all really about the same speed, as they user the gecko rendering engine. Safari and Shiira both use WebKit. From my own personal experience, WebKit is faster, more reliable, and has more features.
I have 4 browsers on my iBook: Safari, Firefox, Camino, and Opera 9. Of all those I like Opera. I personally think Opera is faster than Firefox or Safari. I can't really compare Camino because I haven't used it in a while.

I vote Opera.
I saw the recent browser comparison and was surprised by the results (and the comments about Gecko being slow on Mac). Firefox has always been much faster and snappier than Safari on the iBook G4 1GHz/768MB I'm typing on right now. It's very noticeable. I've done two clean reinstalls on the iBook. Safari has always been slower.
well i used FF first, and it was just like the windows version.
then i switched to safari... i had no idea how slow FF was coming up, i was so used to it. safari bounces a few times then pops right up.

FF is almost downright slow! it bounces 10 + times then lake a few seconds to pop a window up!
i love FF but i love safari better.
i just DL'ed camino and its ok but i still prefer safari, the only thing is safari (1.0.3 anyway) doesnt use access keys. for example. on this forum, on windows you would hit alt+S to reply (instead of hitting the button) on a mac (with FF and camino) you hit ctrl+s to reply, but on safari nothing works! if anyone knows how to get tat working please tell me!!!
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