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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2007
I'll exchange it tomorrow just to be on the safe side I guess :)))


macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
Just curious but are you staying in Sonoma County right now? Where did you pick up the camera?

Redwoods are tough for exposure, the light is filtered through branches and there is usually a lot of dust in the air adding some haze and changing the color of the light often. Seems to me to be a white balance issue. I like the suggestion of putting the camera in live view and cycling through the WB settings to see how it changes.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2007
Just curious but are you staying in Sonoma County right now? Where did you pick up the camera?

Redwoods are tough for exposure, the light is filtered through branches and there is usually a lot of dust in the air adding some haze and changing the color of the light often. Seems to me to be a white balance issue. I like the suggestion of putting the camera in live view and cycling through the WB settings to see how it changes.

I am in Sebastopol right now and I bought the camera in Best Buy in Santa Rosa I think.

Do I just cycle through the white balance aiming at anything?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2007
Ok, got the camera replaced. Is there any particular test one would do like we do with laptops etc. or is it just straight out of the box and take pics and if that works then its fine?

Anyway, thank you all for the help and feedback. I hope this one will be fine :))

Looking forward to grow with you guys in my photographic skill :)))


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2007
Is it normal that when the batter is not in the camera then the view is a bit grainy???


macrumors regular
Aug 25, 2008
I am in Sebastopol right now and I bought the camera in Best Buy in Santa Rosa I think.

Do I just cycle through the white balance aiming at anything?

Nice, I live in Santa Rosa all of your shots posted had a bit of a familliar feel for me.

Anyway the best way to see how a shot is affected by the white balance is yes set it up in "live view" mode on a tripod, if you don't have a tripod get one, get a GOOD one (see the several tripod threads on MR) if you want to use your camera to the best of its abilities.

Anyway with "live view" active so you are looking at the LCD screen rather than through the view finder you will see essentially what the final shot will be, that is a digital recognition of the scene you would be looking at through the view finder. Then yes simply cycle through all of the different WB settings. Try and do this in several different settings and lighting conditions, it will let you get a pretty good idea of how to use your white balance setting. I think you should also be able to hit the DOF preview button (the D90 has one of those right?) with the flash to see how that light affects the shot. I've found with my camera Auto WB works very well MOST of the time, but when it doesn't it can really be off. Shooting in RAW works everytime BTW, just takes a bit of time on the computer later some times.

The way the auto white balance works is a bit over my head, I understand it mostly but could not explain it. The thing I saw in your shots is where I assume you were metering, with dark shadows and very red trees in the center of the shot and high contrast sky the shots were the most purple. Something tells me your camera saw red and "thought" it should be brown and was trying to compensate which threw off the other colors. The shot with the big leafy ?maple? in the center shot was much closer to correct color rendition.

As I said before Redwoods are difficult, the light often has a yellow or brown haze to it, and the weather we've had here for the past couple weeks i'm guessing made those forest shots pretty dark ie lots of shadows that the camera "tried" to resolve. All in all memory cards are fairly cheap and the space on them is free so use it a lot, read the manual, and shoot some more.


macrumors 68000
Dec 29, 2006
Monterey CA
When you do take more sample shots, take versions with the filter off as well.

I saw something on the www once that convinced me that cheapo UV filters can cause problems. Taking it off is the first step for sure.

That green look is pretty severe, seems too green to just be atmospheric. Maybe a combination of the filter, the atmosphere, WB, ISO...the perfect wave.

D90s have insto-change buttons for exposure values. Could a thumb have been on one of them?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2007
ok guys, this will make you laugh but will also help some other people if they experience the same problem.

I just got back from my trip and put all the photos from my laptop to my main computer (mac pro with 30" ACD) and to my amaze all the pictures look fine and there is no purple tint AT ALL.
So, my conclusion is that the camera was fine the whole time and there was no need for a replacement. I just need to calibrate the laptop so it has the same colour reproduction as the ACD (if that is possible)

Isn't it funny that it was something we didn't consider at all?
I hope this will help someone in case the same problem occurs. (My laptop is 17" uMPB matte)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2007
What does not make sense is that the picture you posted has a purple tint.

Well, actually it does but let me explain why.

as you can't post big files here then I had to reduce the size a bit.
Here is the way I did that. I opened the file in iPhoto and then took a screenshot of that photo. That created a smaller size file I could then post here.

Yes, I know about the reduce feature in iPhoto but I found that one later. So I guess this explain why the photo was still purple despite being it reposted here :)

I hope I'm right :)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2007
well, this is strange. I think I was right but looking at the photo I posted here on a different computer looks the same. Well, the photo you can see here is ok-ish. If you watch it on my laptop you will see it really really purple. This might have the inclination for a slight purple tint but that is due to lighting etc. in the forest.
The reason why I was freaked out was that on the laptop it was insanely purple and totally off.


macrumors newbie
Jun 22, 2009
Download a copy of ImageResizer.
This will help you avoid the route you took to sample the photo.
It all sounds very strange to me! (and in my view, never anything at all to do with a cheap UV filter).

By the way, if you live in the UK, are you sure you will get warranty cover (in the UK) for your US purchase? Also, dont forget to change the video out to PAL when you get home:)

Good Luck


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2007
Download a copy of ImageResizer.
This will help you avoid the route you took to sample the photo.
It all sounds very strange to me! (and in my view, never anything at all to do with a cheap UV filter).

By the way, if you live in the UK, are you sure you will get warranty cover (in the UK) for your US purchase? Also, dont forget to change the video out to PAL when you get home:)

Good Luck

Yes, you get 1 year warranty that is international. Its the last page of the warranty :)

Btw, what do you exactly mean with the cheap UV filter and which filter do you think I should use? Please give me a model number or link so I can google it and buy it. Thank you


macrumors newbie
Jun 22, 2009
Take comfort in the fact that Digital SLR cameras are amongst the most reliable electronic consumer products. I am not sure whether that warranty means you need to ship it back to the country of origin...hope not.
Didn't you look at the prices in Dixons at the airport? often I have found them to be cheaper than stores in the USA for such kit (unless you go to Costco!)

With regard to the filter, I don't want to open a whole new topic (and get blasted), but I have always bought quality filters to protect my glass.
I shop around and have purchased the Hoya HMC Pro1 filters (UV and Circ Polarising) in the past. For my recent purchase of a D90 I found some great deals on the new Hoya HD UV filters. This one one for example.

As I said others will have a different view but that is my view!

You will also be able to find great value Nikon Batteries and the remote (all original -- if you are patient and watch the prices)

The D90 offers an amazing level of flexibility for the price, get out there and start taking pictures.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2007
Take comfort in the fact that Digital SLR cameras are amongst the most reliable electronic consumer products. I am not sure whether that warranty means you need to ship it back to the country of origin...hope not.
Didn't you look at the prices in Dixons at the airport? often I have found them to be cheaper than stores in the USA for such kit (unless you go to Costco!)

With regard to the filter, I don't want to open a whole new topic (and get blasted), but I have always bought quality filters to protect my glass.
I shop around and have purchased the Hoya HMC Pro1 filters (UV and Circ Polarising) in the past. For my recent purchase of a D90 I found some great deals on the new Hoya HD UV filters. This one one for example.

As I said others will have a different view but that is my view!

You will also be able to find great value Nikon Batteries and the remote (all original -- if you are patient and watch the prices)

The D90 offers an amazing level of flexibility for the price, get out there and start taking pictures.

Well, Amazon had it for $1025 which is way cheaper than Dixon at the airport. Because I made a mistake with my order my account was closed so I am now dealing with Amazon so they can reopen it (I used shipping address as billing address too and that caused them to think that it is a fraud as my cc is registred to uk address and i was shipping to us address :( ) so i ended up buing it from bestbuy who matched the price. The only downside was the stupid tax they have in US so when you buy something the price tag doesn't reflect it and they add it up at the end of your shopping. :(
If you purchase through and ship to california then there is no tax so shame I didn't manage to order it correctly as it would save me £100. Anyway, it was still slightly cheaper than Dixon I seem to remember.

Well, I got this cheap cheap cheap UV filter so I will get the one you are suggesting unless someone else has different suggestion.
Its funny how they offer you protective glass for your camera but they never tell you that for a camera like that one should really buy more expensive one so it doesn't effect it at all. What a waste of $15 :(

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion. I'll look around for more and then will do final decision and buy a new protection for the lens.
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