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Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
Well the Precision 360 Head is matched to specific lens camera combinations, so the nodal point of the lens is already fixed. All you have to do is calibrate the setup first. I used my bathroom as a template (as they recommended) and made a bunch of points with tape:


When you have all of those shots taken, you use PTMac to set the stitching control points between each image, and then optimize the pano to get your template.

Once you have a template with this rig, you use PTBatch to do the stitching with any following shots. You just need the template.

After this, you put it into Cubic Converter to turn it into a QTVR.

The best part is, if you have an accurate template, you can go right into the field, shot your seven images, slap them right into PTMac and get a panorama - accurate every time. No nodal point adjustments, no stitching every time - it's awesome.

Thanks to Cooknn here for helping me out and getting me hooked up with all the right gear, and to Matt at Precision 360 for putting up with my endless iChat questions. The support from Precision 360 is great.



Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
joepunk said:
Lovely job there.

btw, how much does that contraption cost?

$1,000 :eek:

But remember, it's immensely spot on accurate and the results are reproducable without stitching every time you take a new set of pano images.

I could go make a pano of our parking lot outside and have it rendered and done in less than 10 minutes, I would guess.


macrumors 68030
Aug 5, 2004
a profane existence

I think I'll just stick with what we used in Community College when we made panos of the campus. We use a regular tripod.

I should post the pano I took of me while I was driving. That was fun if not a little bit scary.


macrumors 68020
Jun 29, 2004
Just curious iGary, but do you plan on using this for work or play?

(i'm guessing work...)

If work, are you going to be doing indoor or outdoor pan's? I'd love to see some perfectly calibrated shots of sunsets or mountain scenes.. shot by a local MR member.


Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
pdpfilms said:
Just curious iGary, but do you plan on using this for work or play?

(i'm guessing work...)

If work, are you going to be doing indoor or outdoor pan's? I'd love to see some perfectly calibrated shots of sunsets or mountain scenes.. shot by a local MR member.

Work mainly - I 'm going to be doing inside and outside. Mainly real estate, I think, but if I can get some marinas, yacht clubs and waterfront places to bite, I'll take their money. :D Also going to try and do some for some of the waterfront sities around here. We'll see.

I'm going down to the Cherry Blossoms in DC tomorrow and plan to take few. I post a few full screen ones to my server when I get back. I'm still learning, but since I'm past the first, I feel alot better. :)

(If they turn out any good. :p )


macrumors 68020
Aug 23, 2003
Fort Myers, FL
iGary said:
Not bad for a first try! This is a great system once you have it calibrated (and you don't have to do anything else, once you have!)

ROCK ON Gary :D That looks great! I don't see any signs of stitching, so the template must be good. Time to start making some bank with that rig now!


Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
Cooknn said:
ROCK ON Gary :D That looks great! I don't see any signs of stitching, so the template must be good. Time to start making some bank with that rig now!

Thanks, Dave - and thanks for all the help. :D


macrumors 601
Mar 20, 2005
That's pretty awesome Gary, I can see why companies/real estate would want those made. The photo before making the QTVR is cool too because the right edge fits with the left edge perfectly.

Explain to me how all those tape things on the shower help make a template. :eek:


Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
ITASOR said:
That's pretty awesome Gary, I can see why companies/real estate would want those made. The photo before making the QTVR is cool too because the right edge fits with the left edge perfectly.

Explain to me how all those tape things on the shower help make a template. :eek:

Well, imagine six of those taped images around OK?

Now with a 180 degree field of view. there is a bunch of overlap between each image. I'll let Q d the math™.

So in PTMac, the program shows an image, and the one next to it (envision the picture above divided into six pieces). So say you have image 0 and image 1. Where those two meet (and all the others, too, there is an overlap area and you use the tape and corners to mark identical spots (control points) on each image, so the application knows what pixels "match," and where it should stitch them together.

You can see this below:



macrumors 68020
Aug 23, 2003
Fort Myers, FL
Ack! I feel carpel tunnel syndrome coming back just looking at all those control points! Just think, because you dropped the $1K for the good equipment, you'll never have to do that again :p


Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
Cooknn said:
Ack! I feel carpel tunnel syndrome coming back just looking at all those control points! Just think, because you droped the $1K for the good equipment, you'll never have to do that again :p

Thank God - It took me four tries, too.

No more CP's for me. :eek:


macrumors 68020
Aug 23, 2003
Fort Myers, FL
Gary when you get into PTBatch, throw Enblend into the application folder and point the PTBatch preferences to it. No more blending issues - and you'll be able to batch stitch beautiful pano's while sipping a glass of Merlot :D


Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
Cooknn said:
Gary when you get into PTBatch, throw Enblend into the application folder and point the PTBatch preferences to it. No more blending issues - and you'll be able to batch stitch beautiful pano's while sipping a glass of Merlot :D

Yeah, I was using 1.3 for that one I posted, and then tried Enblend 2.5 and the ceiling issues disappeared. :D

Thanks. :)


macrumors 68030
May 28, 2002
I went the less pricey route and bought into the 303sph. The head isn't nearly as accurate as yours but at half the cost its a much cheaper buy in.

Great job, looks fantastic. If I can make money at this, the 360p will be my next purchase.



macrumors 65816
Oct 9, 2002
Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting the very first colour photo of a black hole:

iGary said:

Great job! Nice setup. :cool:

For those of you who don't get the bad joke, "look at your feet" and be carefull not to fall in the hole.


Original poster
May 26, 2004
Randy's House
whocares said:
Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting the very first colour photo of a black hole:

Great job! Nice setup. :cool:

For those of you who don't get the bad joke, "look at your feet" and be carefull not to fall in the hole.

? :confused:



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