I did not think that there was priority on those who reserve for pickup. It's not like they have it set aside in your name specifically, but rather they have a separate stack from the non-reserved to use from. If you lollygag and wait til say 2pm, then the reserved supply may be exhausted at the Apple Store, leaving you SOL. At 3pm, the reserved supply (if any remaining) then is opened up for grabs.
I may be wrong, but I have not read anywhere that priority is placed by your reserve time. I believe priority is going to be if you have reserved and your place in line at the store. Thoughts?
I don't get this, what if someone reserves one on April 2, they will then have the same right to an ipad on April 3 as someone who reserved theirs on March 12?
Maybe they don't have an ipad reserved specifically in my name, but I would guess that if they keep getting reservations, at some point they will have to cut people off, since Apple will only be able to supply them with so many on April 3. So once they reach that limit on reservations, I'm guessing anyone reserving after that should not have a reservation for April 3, but should get a reservation for a date after that. Does that make sense?