Is there another way I should make my portfolio. I'm taking HTML in the winter semester, I don't know any of it. Could I do it in flash? or what's the best settings for web in photoshop.
I normally go save to web and just save everything with the default settings. Tried looking on google but didn't really find my answer. I would like my site to just open fast.
Flash is always my first choice for portfolios and other rich multimedia projects, but I think you'll be faced with the same dilemma.
Flash is technically just an integrated development environment for Actionscript programming.
Not only would you still be faced with learning a scripting language, Actionscript 3.0 is a full-blown OOP language; far more complex than learning how to write simple HTML/CSS.
The upside of using Flash is that it's far more flexible and powerful than HTML/CSS based development environmants; it's easier to get the results you're after.
Direct import of layered Photoshop and Illustrator files, with layers, text, layer styles, transparency etc... makes Flash well suited to designers and artists that are already skilled in those applications.
For example, you can use the stack script in PhotoshopCS3 to automatically load a dozen or more images as layers in a new PSD, then import that PSD into Flash with the layers set as keyframes in the timeline.
Add a few buttons and custom graphics and some basic actionscript and you'd have the basis for a navigable portfolio site.
I can help you with the scripting if you decide to tackle something like this.